Monday, March 21, 2011

Muslims In Favor Of Stoning


A few weeks and the deadline for submitting nominations for municipal elections, a whole host of elements uncertainty and confusion in the field on the left in the Central Zone. If we define the common goal priority to enhance the presence of those seeking to make political progress and political regeneration of the city, my personal impression is that this upcoming May elections will hardly be a step in the totality of our area. Rather, I am afraid that could be a recession. Even the division of the right, after all a ploy designed to cling to power, might entail in the towns where they reflect a strengthening of its presence if the left and the world vasquista fail to properly articulate its offer .

Speaking of municipal elections, more in a region of low level of political homogeneity as ours, is to speak of local, very specific aspects daily management of the imprint of the candidates, electoral tradition of each place and a thousand circumstances. But nevertheless there are contextual factors that hinder the consensus and the closing of nominations, common elements that I will try to identify.
1) - The economic crisis and its proven impact on the labor market has a definite psychological burden. People perceive as a real possibility unemployment and social exclusion. It is not an ideal situation for involvement in public life. A bad time for adventures. I do not think you do need to explain why the fear of employer retaliation scares more potential candidates on the left than those of other conditions.
2) - The general lack of generational change. In Carcastillo, for instance, endangered by this time the submission of a bid as much history as the IC, with a history of many legislatures. With council members with 16 or 20 years old, the relay is desirable from all points of view, but it is very difficult. In the background hovers the question of the identity crisis of the new generation to politics. Many young people, including some closely engaged with social and cultural demands, rely heavily more in other ways to channel the demands and aspirations of their collective. The problem is that today have not emerged in these new benchmarks and participation to replace or at least effectively complement existing systems of representation.
3) - The treatment of our diversity and linguistic identity, despite the progress in integration, still wakes up in certain peoples prejudices and socio-cultural fields. In Marcilla is definitely frustrated about an independent candidacy of broad social consensus because some were not willing to include in the agenda around Euskera claims that others are waived. Even in some other town a little further north this conflict has manifested itself in some areas and lower levels within one of the parties which are NaBai. By the way, is hard to ignore the nostalgia for the contribution that a strong and organized Nabai, encouraged in their collective construction by all its members since its inception may have contributed to this difficult but irreplaceable to advance a cultural perspective and symbolic cohesion Navarre society.
4) - The sharp volatility in the political situation. The expectations of possible disappearance of ETA with the survival of Parties Act frame a situation in which almost everything appears open and it is very easy to lose perspective. True, it does not affect all people, because ultimately ANV only four years ago in Tafalla and Fakes, and prevented from doing so in Larraga. Everything indicates that in some of these places and maybe some more with the help of EA unit lists are promoted nationalist and political power rests with each reference or its members dispersed to study the circumstances of each case the most appropriate way to articulate candidates able to gain representation and where appropriate contribute to the formation of majorities of progress.
In this regard, it is particularly the case of Tafalla, a traditional establishment and population structure of MLNV solid and in which EA was by far the largest party in NaBai. The alleged difficulty that the coalition may have to complete an application with roots in the city coincides, by chance or not, with invitations from various fronts to participate in a kind of broad popular initiative, apparently with a good presentation in header, which some predict hitherto unsuspected possibilities. In this situation, potential breeding ground for disorientation, I express my opinion.
forms already employed through private contacts, without addressing the whole of Tafalla NaBai not guarantee the credibility of a unified proposal. But more important is the political. With increasing population size, specific weight of ideology and the attention to global political figures is more important in the decision of the voter. The outlawed pro-independence left has a very marked profile Tafalla, so any list that participate will be interpreted as " the list on the left-wing nationalism, however good additional support that may be because the recent past conditions much further political alliances and institutional activity. In the spring of 2011, at least, it is. Next time we'll see how things have evolved.
not it time to disperse the attention. NaBai has to make his way. And political indicators tell us that even with few members, has space and a reasonable chance in Tafalla, which if not activated, could lead to inhibition of the electorate vasquista and left. Because it is identified with a possibility to model key political cohesion, inclusion and pursuit of peaceful coexistence without fanfare with all political opponents. Because it is your right and your responsibility. Despite of all local and general difficulties described.


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