Monday, March 7, 2011

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8 March 2011: De scholars recognize. Of wisdom, recognized

In this centenary of International Women's Day, of sages, is recognized. why women in the world are more but have less.
educational achievements of women do not translate into better jobs. They are doing less. And this is due to expectations that this society gives to men, that without qualification is possible, easy and well paid employment. On the other hand women need much higher skill levels than those of men for the same income
Only three of the 27 EU Member States have more than 40% of women parliamentarians and women hold one in four ministries. Women hold only 11% of the seats on the boards of European companies. Account for 3% of those CEOs of large firms. In men run Navarra seven out of ten companies
The female participation rate is lower than the male. And three in 10 European part-time work. That women still have worse jobs, often more unemployment and less income, they earn 17% less. The wage gap persists. In Navarra, 75 percent of women who work are in administrative or personal services. The number of women in employment is much lower than men's and unemployment rests with them further, "
That this wage gap between women and men is not an isolated incident but part of a whole structure of patriarchal organized not only wages but also professional guidance, categorization employment, the relevance of some occupations over others ... addition of time to be employed in paid work, leisure, family, friendship, rest and anything. The patriarchal system has sustained and supported to date in the sexual division of labor. What
mothers spend more than twice the time to care for children and parents remain scarce public health care services to childcare and eldercare. There are employers who penalize workers who choose to have different shapes hij @ s, and economic and fiscal incentives to permanently give them the jobs situation that leads women to begin trading later and to cease further contributions to meet family care. And this in turn affects performance. Recent data indicate that only 30% of women reaches 100% of your pension. The result is that one in four women over 65 is below the threshold of poverty. And with the pension reform, this is aggravated

That gender-based violence is not a problem for women but of society and therefore require comprehensive measures to address it. We are beings capable of autonomy and choice and conflicts must learn to resolve them nonviolently, learning how to treat us as equals, caring and negotiating differences.
Is wise to know and recognize the feminist movement and all women here and around the world have promoted over the last hundred years, the road to equality, providing a fundamental analysis to look and equitable social change.
wise, is recognized in the movement, knowing why we are where we are today is thanks to the perseverance and tenacity of women like Clara Campoamor, Matilde Huici .... And so many others were clear that equality between men and women was still a fundamental pillar for achieving a just and equitable and that there can be no democracy that does not have half the population. And they kept it, despite paying a political price and so personal.
also understand why not all go the same pace. Some achievements do not mean that all have them. There are groups and situations of women with singularities which involve unequal treatment and lack of social recognition that can bring greater levels of social exclusion. We are far from All rights to all.
of wise men and women, strive to raise awareness of this movement and to take into its analysis when habalr the world and solutions to the crisis, acknowledging that although there has been progress, much remains to be done. What is profitable to invest in equity.
Achieving gender equality remains a major challenge. If we are to achieve a recovery of the crisis that is sustainable and equitable and fairer globalization, we need solutions that take into account the gender dimension. The crisis involves a risk of intensifying the sexual division of labor and the inequalities generated. But it also represents an opportunity and a challenge to establish new forms of production and consumption, and reorganization of structures and relationships of care, establishing an equitable distribution between women and men in paid and unpaid work
of wise men and women is to understand to the privileges of gender is not a personal threat but an opportunity to work on sustainable development to improve the quality of life for all the people who make the public, where women and men are different as individuals and equal opportunities.
Therefore, this March 8, continue to build the Igualdad.Berdintasuna eraikitzen jarraitzen dugu.

Signed: Teresa Sáez. Technical Equality. ANDREA Coordinator. 40857601X


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