Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Iphone Panty Sharking

LILAS phatic Scandal PSN and Euskera

LEO por ahí que el "Yeah" de Pablo Zalba tenía función fática. Lo escriben con intención de exculparlo. Flipo. La función fática del lenguaje tiene por objetivo mantener abierto el canal de comunicación. Por lo que hemos de entender When two journalists from The Sunday Times posing as members of a lobby offered him money to change a law, with its repeated yeah PPN MEP was saying something like "keep on talking I am listening" . Then go scandal. A full MEP is an attempt to bribe Short communication: get up and leave. But Zalba not lift or a brow in disapproval. Not a surprise. Indeed it was the most phatic. Retained as open communication channel, which changed the law in question was dictated and reunited with those who tried to bribe him. However, they also used other language functions. When changing your work they proposed to hire as a consultant at an annual salary of 100,000 euros, used expressive function. Why refuse absolutely to this scam? No. To explain that he could not accept it until they know whether it will stand for election in May. In these circumstances it is untenable to claim that his only fault was not reporting. School not hide behind the lobbies Brussels work that way. Although not come to collect, which show the videos is more than enough to resign. Or resign. Regardless of how you obtain those videos. The hidden camera has become a journalistic genre and do not like a hair. Just doing investigative journalism that seems too much of reality shows . In fact, videos and Zalba reactions remind me of tremendously to Blind Trust. In this abject and mythical-program, selected several guys with lots of birds on the head of thousands of starlings flock, "were separated from their respective boyfriends daiquiri put them folded and put in a jacuzzi with some impressive maromazos continuous rounds. When one of them fell into temptation and embraced the shift wardrobe or let out a pearl like "Jo, Aunt, cloud, cool, I think Saendy are like me," I showed the video to couples, and riding breaks loose. The chavalas trying justified with phrases like "It's not what it seems", "Is that Saendy is very affectionate," "Do not pass the hugs." Explanations of Zalba after falling into the temptation of lobbies I found just as inconsistent: "I have sinned naive," "The journalist was very pretty," I did not get to collect anything " .

Juan Kruz LAKASTA daily news in


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