Thursday, March 31, 2011

Annabel Chong Worlds Largest Gangbang Streaming


4 APRIL of 2011: Human Rights for ALL ! not look the other way. ASKI DA! Justice M ª Puy Pérez and for all! Torture not sexist!

initiative of women victims of violence against women, families and associations that work directly against gender violence from all its variants and with a holistic view of it, the campaign continues Monday lilas , with the aim of express the revulsion citizen killings of women. against gender-based violence in all its manifestations (abuse, rape, harassment, murder, psychological, economic ...) On the development of laws and creating e d and effective resources for protection of victims and prevention from conflict resolution and equal treatment between persons. bet for consistency in reporting and achieving good relations between people based on equality.

So every first Monday of the month to belong to the txalaparta got together in the castle square to 20h . This action will last 15 minutes, in silence.

If you can, bring a handkerchief lilac. Men abstaining. The gender violence is a human rights issue. The murdered women until March 30, 2011, were 17 women and two children three unsolved cases * Enough! I hope

MONDAY APRIL 4 2011 to 20h in the Plaza del Castillo

ASTELEHEN LILA: EMAKUMEEN AURKAKO INDARKERTIAREN KONTRA. APIRILA 4 , 20:00etan Gazteluko plazan. ASTELEHEN LILAK izeneko kanpainarekin jarraitzen dugu aurrera. Kanpaina hori indarkeria sexistaren biktima izan diren emakumeen, genero indarkeriaren inguruan lanean diharduten elkarteen eta familiakoen ekimenez sortu zen emakumeen hilketak publikoki salatzeko asmoz: indarkeria sexistaren adierazpen guztien kontra (izan tratu txarrak, izan bortxaketak, jazarpenak, erahilketak, indarkeria psikologikoa, ekonomikoa…); lege egokien garapenaren alde eta biktimak babesteko baliabide aski eta eraginkorrak eskatuz; prebentzioa jorratzeko gatazkak konpontzetik eta pertsonen arteko harreman berdintzaleak bultzatzetik hasi behar dela aldarrikatuz. Salaketan irmoak izan behar dugu , eta ez dugu etsi behar pertsonen arteko berdintasunean oinarritutako harremanak lortu arte. Horregatik nahi zaitugu .


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