uncertainties On 16 February the PSN held a day in the Bastion under Euskera title: present and future . Although I had no opportunity to attend what I read with interest that the press picked up the next day. This reading, influenced by the path that the PSN has in relation to language policy in Navarre, I was a new sensation, the PSN opened its doors to a reality in society and so far Navarre was refusing to accommodate in home, that is, has heard the voice of Navarra Basque speaking people. That this is in bloom a day is something that time will show.
Anyway I refer to the interesting intervention Auzmendi Lourdes, viceconsejera de Política Lingüística del Gobierno Vasco , que la radio navarra en euskera Euskalerria Irratia tuvo a bien reproducir en su totalidad. Sí, efectivamente, esa radio tan necesaria para los vascohablantes que el Gobierno de Navarra, sustentado por el PSN, sigue queriendo que sea ilegal y castigada sin acceso a recursos económicos públicos, que otros medios de comunicación tan generosamente reciben.
De su exposición quiero destacar tres ideas de las que presentó:
- En el intento de establecer relaciones institucionales entre el Gobierno Vasco y el Gobierno de Navarra se han encontrado con un muro, no ha sido posible, a pesar that the two governments are constitutional. As an example put the agreements reached in the French Basque country stressing that the Government of France, with all the fame of Jacobinism that you want to allocate, it is more open to the Government of Navarra.
- The desire to want everything there is a risk of running out of anything (gold nahi, gold gal). The extreme positions of the Government, which has been emptied of content on Basque Law and of those who ask that Euskera is official throughout the Autonomous Community does not give rise to address the language question in Navarra with calm and normal.
- The Law of the Basque can be the meeting place the majority of society to move forward in resolving the issue of Euskera, changing what needs to be changed since the agreement, while maintaining its central structure.
These ideas, as I said, very interesting and I have to take into account the following considerations:
- As bilingual navarro I join the idea of \u200b\u200bopen and search for points of agreement. Although the day to day shows a PSN deaf, can not never give up and work together to seek agreement that Euskera be seen by all Basque speakers and English speakers, for what it is: a language used to communicate and that contributes to the Community Foral singularity enriches cultural.
- That does not make unreasonable for the officers of Euskera is comparable to the language policy pursued by the Government of Navarra and who so generously supported the PSN. The official did not impose any obligation or exclusion for citizens who do not speak Euskera. Does not imply that UPN spokesman, Garcia Adanero, dared to verbalize, that English speakers can be driven from Navarra. Following this line of argument one could say that the only official of Castilian that UPN does is drive from Navarre to the Basque speakers. Recognize the right to address the Administration in Euskera and receive attention in this language does not involve any imposition on the Castilian.
- I agree that some groups working on behalf of Euskera make statements that are made by English speakers. So is the city of Navarra and the Basque-speaking Castilian. Is the person who is the subject of rights and not languages. And from that premise and with reference to the sociolinguistic situation in Navarre is where you must build the life of society, and as part of this linguistics. Many messages Euskera agencies, political parties abertzals (let alone of brainwashed terrorist organizations) Euskal Herria reeuskaldunizar speak of a land euskaldun, the English oppressors. Join the linguistic normalization of specific political projects. They argue that without their own state is not possible normalization of Euskera. All these arguments put warning and defensive to many English speakers, and all that progress in this line smells of taxation.
- Something better would we all if done a language policy respecting the will of the people. But of course, for bad things to raise people Euskera defenders of what they can not accuse it of taxation because of the language policy guidelines are put in by governments and in Navarra since I I have reason governs use of UPN. And as the Deputy Minister of the Basque Government itself acknowledged in his speech, are a real wall.
- In line with this attitude so stifling imposition of UPN: I am convinced that a language policy more open and inclusive end up with many of these attitudes that emerge from the world of Euskera. Is the Law of Euskera meeting place, or departure from it? Try. But then someone comes along we are not saying that they would do, but that would open the door to the integration of Navarra in Euskadi. The political demands have their way of discussion in society and the right to use the two languages \u200b\u200bof Navarra in the public and private life should not, under any circumstances, be linked to any political project, because the languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the speakers.