Thursday, March 31, 2011

Annabel Chong Worlds Largest Gangbang Streaming


4 APRIL of 2011: Human Rights for ALL ! not look the other way. ASKI DA! Justice M ª Puy Pérez and for all! Torture not sexist!

initiative of women victims of violence against women, families and associations that work directly against gender violence from all its variants and with a holistic view of it, the campaign continues Monday lilas , with the aim of express the revulsion citizen killings of women. against gender-based violence in all its manifestations (abuse, rape, harassment, murder, psychological, economic ...) On the development of laws and creating e d and effective resources for protection of victims and prevention from conflict resolution and equal treatment between persons. bet for consistency in reporting and achieving good relations between people based on equality.

So every first Monday of the month to belong to the txalaparta got together in the castle square to 20h . This action will last 15 minutes, in silence.

If you can, bring a handkerchief lilac. Men abstaining. The gender violence is a human rights issue. The murdered women until March 30, 2011, were 17 women and two children three unsolved cases * Enough! I hope

MONDAY APRIL 4 2011 to 20h in the Plaza del Castillo

ASTELEHEN LILA: EMAKUMEEN AURKAKO INDARKERTIAREN KONTRA. APIRILA 4 , 20:00etan Gazteluko plazan. ASTELEHEN LILAK izeneko kanpainarekin jarraitzen dugu aurrera. Kanpaina hori indarkeria sexistaren biktima izan diren emakumeen, genero indarkeriaren inguruan lanean diharduten elkarteen eta familiakoen ekimenez sortu zen emakumeen hilketak publikoki salatzeko asmoz: indarkeria sexistaren adierazpen guztien kontra (izan tratu txarrak, izan bortxaketak, jazarpenak, erahilketak, indarkeria psikologikoa, ekonomikoa…); lege egokien garapenaren alde eta biktimak babesteko baliabide aski eta eraginkorrak eskatuz; prebentzioa jorratzeko gatazkak konpontzetik eta pertsonen arteko harreman berdintzaleak bultzatzetik hasi behar dela aldarrikatuz. Salaketan irmoak izan behar dugu , eta ez dugu etsi behar pertsonen arteko berdintasunean oinarritutako harremanak lortu arte. Horregatik nahi zaitugu .

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Iphone Panty Sharking

LILAS phatic Scandal PSN and Euskera

LEO por ahí que el "Yeah" de Pablo Zalba tenía función fática. Lo escriben con intención de exculparlo. Flipo. La función fática del lenguaje tiene por objetivo mantener abierto el canal de comunicación. Por lo que hemos de entender When two journalists from The Sunday Times posing as members of a lobby offered him money to change a law, with its repeated yeah PPN MEP was saying something like "keep on talking I am listening" . Then go scandal. A full MEP is an attempt to bribe Short communication: get up and leave. But Zalba not lift or a brow in disapproval. Not a surprise. Indeed it was the most phatic. Retained as open communication channel, which changed the law in question was dictated and reunited with those who tried to bribe him. However, they also used other language functions. When changing your work they proposed to hire as a consultant at an annual salary of 100,000 euros, used expressive function. Why refuse absolutely to this scam? No. To explain that he could not accept it until they know whether it will stand for election in May. In these circumstances it is untenable to claim that his only fault was not reporting. School not hide behind the lobbies Brussels work that way. Although not come to collect, which show the videos is more than enough to resign. Or resign. Regardless of how you obtain those videos. The hidden camera has become a journalistic genre and do not like a hair. Just doing investigative journalism that seems too much of reality shows . In fact, videos and Zalba reactions remind me of tremendously to Blind Trust. In this abject and mythical-program, selected several guys with lots of birds on the head of thousands of starlings flock, "were separated from their respective boyfriends daiquiri put them folded and put in a jacuzzi with some impressive maromazos continuous rounds. When one of them fell into temptation and embraced the shift wardrobe or let out a pearl like "Jo, Aunt, cloud, cool, I think Saendy are like me," I showed the video to couples, and riding breaks loose. The chavalas trying justified with phrases like "It's not what it seems", "Is that Saendy is very affectionate," "Do not pass the hugs." Explanations of Zalba after falling into the temptation of lobbies I found just as inconsistent: "I have sinned naive," "The journalist was very pretty," I did not get to collect anything " .

Juan Kruz LAKASTA daily news in

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Itchy Heat Spots Bruise

Top Spin 4: pure tennis

saga back top spin after 3 years of inactivity, which comes to be one of the best sports simulation market. This game developed by 2K sports to keep the realism in controlling the movements of players as seen in the NBA 2K and more. Gameplay

In this section significantly improves over its predecessor. If the realistic simulation of Top Spin 3 complex did manage different shots, this edition is much simpler without losing the realism that has characterized the Top Spin. In this issue we can make topspin, short, flat and balloons by performing each of the keys on the remote. Each of these apart from the normal shock can do:
  • Hits: We received the ball just as in these shots we control the ball
  • powerful blows: when power bar fills completely. In looking for strokes such power.

Apart from these blows can perform different types of volleys, serves basic and complex and even left. With this we have a game for all players both Hardcore and Casual. As the level of artificial intelligence have several ways in which the most difficult level can become too complicated.

game modes

modes The game features both single player and online manner. We'll start by mentioning individually:
  • Party: Party for playing a computer or a friend.
  • Track King: We will play a series of matches until one player wins a number of parties.
  • Race: We will create our own player which level will rise as gain experience. This will simulate a tennis season where we play tournaments in addition to various events. We can also hire trainers to further customize our player.
  • top spin Academy: Tutorial that teaches us how to handle both basic and advanced strokes.
As to how we found:
  • Party: Party to play online with someone special or anyone.
  • World Tour: This mode 8 tournaments each week offering to compete with other users. Our character will be that we have trained in career mode. Experience is also added in this mode. It also has an ATP ranking simulating.

  • Open 2K: Compete with other users driving the players that come into play. Conclusions

If you like sports and tennis Top Spin 4 is a great option to consider. There will be waiting for Virtua Tennis to see which is the best tennis game of the year. Advantages

  • realism to playtime.
  • The online mode gives the game hours of fun
  • The atmosphere at matches.
  • animations and player likenesses are very realistic.
  • limitation of movement.
  • When move sideways.
  • the graphics and soundtrack could be improved.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wording For Prom 2011 Invintations

Subject and Location Act psychoanalyst in the current submissions

"In the belief that the cause was the father of the subject, we turn to the cause is in the object (the object). And while the neuroses were due to respond to the love of father, now modified to obey respond to the unrest in the culture, there is no master discourse, there are university discourse, speech sciences, biology, neuroscience, etc. And if there is one master, that is knowledge and not the father. Then the law does not limit while operating as before. The many contemporary discourses make us know that "everything can be" that nothing is impossible, no puzzles, no question, everything is at hand or the purchase or consumption , all objects are interchangeable. "

Cecilia Collazo

Funny Comments To Say At A Wedding


On 16 February the PSN held a day in the Bastion under Euskera title: present and future . Although I had no opportunity to attend what I read with interest that the press picked up the next day. This reading, influenced by the path that the PSN has in relation to language policy in Navarre, I was a new sensation, the PSN opened its doors to a reality in society and so far Navarre was refusing to accommodate in home, that is, has heard the voice of Navarra Basque speaking people. That this is in bloom a day is something that time will show.

Anyway I refer to the interesting intervention Auzmendi Lourdes, viceconsejera de Política Lingüística del Gobierno Vasco , que la radio navarra en euskera Euskalerria Irratia tuvo a bien reproducir en su totalidad. Sí, efectivamente, esa radio tan necesaria para los vascohablantes que el Gobierno de Navarra, sustentado por el PSN, sigue queriendo que sea ilegal y castigada sin acceso a recursos económicos públicos, que otros medios de comunicación tan generosamente reciben.

De su exposición quiero destacar tres ideas de las que presentó:

- En el intento de establecer relaciones institucionales entre el Gobierno Vasco y el Gobierno de Navarra se han encontrado con un muro, no ha sido posible, a pesar that the two governments are constitutional. As an example put the agreements reached in the French Basque country stressing that the Government of France, with all the fame of Jacobinism that you want to allocate, it is more open to the Government of Navarra.

- The desire to want everything there is a risk of running out of anything (gold nahi, gold gal). The extreme positions of the Government, which has been emptied of content on Basque Law and of those who ask that Euskera is official throughout the Autonomous Community does not give rise to address the language question in Navarra with calm and normal.

- The Law of the Basque can be the meeting place the majority of society to move forward in resolving the issue of Euskera, changing what needs to be changed since the agreement, while maintaining its central structure.

These ideas, as I said, very interesting and I have to take into account the following considerations:

- As bilingual navarro I join the idea of \u200b\u200bopen and search for points of agreement. Although the day to day shows a PSN deaf, can not never give up and work together to seek agreement that Euskera be seen by all Basque speakers and English speakers, for what it is: a language used to communicate and that contributes to the Community Foral singularity enriches cultural.

- That does not make unreasonable for the officers of Euskera is comparable to the language policy pursued by the Government of Navarra and who so generously supported the PSN. The official did not impose any obligation or exclusion for citizens who do not speak Euskera. Does not imply that UPN spokesman, Garcia Adanero, dared to verbalize, that English speakers can be driven from Navarra. Following this line of argument one could say that the only official of Castilian that UPN does is drive from Navarre to the Basque speakers. Recognize the right to address the Administration in Euskera and receive attention in this language does not involve any imposition on the Castilian.

- I agree that some groups working on behalf of Euskera make statements that are made by English speakers. So is the city of Navarra and the Basque-speaking Castilian. Is the person who is the subject of rights and not languages. And from that premise and with reference to the sociolinguistic situation in Navarre is where you must build the life of society, and as part of this linguistics. Many messages Euskera agencies, political parties abertzals (let alone of brainwashed terrorist organizations) Euskal Herria reeuskaldunizar speak of a land euskaldun, the English oppressors. Join the linguistic normalization of specific political projects. They argue that without their own state is not possible normalization of Euskera. All these arguments put warning and defensive to many English speakers, and all that progress in this line smells of taxation.

- Something better would we all if done a language policy respecting the will of the people. But of course, for bad things to raise people Euskera defenders of what they can not accuse it of taxation because of the language policy guidelines are put in by governments and in Navarra since I I have reason governs use of UPN. And as the Deputy Minister of the Basque Government itself acknowledged in his speech, are a real wall.

- In line with this attitude so stifling imposition of UPN: I am convinced that a language policy more open and inclusive end up with many of these attitudes that emerge from the world of Euskera. Is the Law of Euskera meeting place, or departure from it? Try. But then someone comes along we are not saying that they would do, but that would open the door to the integration of Navarra in Euskadi. The political demands have their way of discussion in society and the right to use the two languages \u200b\u200bof Navarra in the public and private life should not, under any circumstances, be linked to any political project, because the languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the speakers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mobile Home Craigslist Ks

Yankee Land: Jeffrey Scott Campbell

Hi all, this section will talk about American and European comics.
In Japan, manga are known by their authors, ie
- Dragon Ball of A kira Toriya Ma
- of Naruto Masashi Kish im oto
- One Piece of Eiichiro Oda

While American comic books are not governed by a single author, but this day temporary contracts, and that
is not uncommon to see a new artist and writer each month works like Spiderman or Batman. Here govern large companies like DC, Marvel and other less known as Cliffhanger which negotiate contracts with individual artists to pursue and exploit characters created by these companies.
For it is in this section that h ablate and I will give to meet great artists who move in American lands.

TODAY: J. Scott Campbell

Jeffrey Scot t C am pbell
Born April 12, 1973
lives in California
Works stood out them: Gen 13
Danger Girl

is a famous American artist (and my art ista favorite) to lcanzó fame as an artist Wildstorm Comics, but has since been working for Marvel Comics (especially as a cover artist in The Amazing Spider-Man ), and the video game industry .
In 1998, Campbell , along with others comic rtistas Joe Madureira and Humberto Ramos founded the Cliffhanger mark as part of Wildstorm Productions. Lueg or comic series launched its Danger Girl through this seal. The story followed the adventures of a group of women Charlie's Angels type very well equipped and with lots of action.
In August 2005, Campbell pub lished Wildsiderz published to date only 3 comics, perhaps the project did not come to fruition and was canceled, leaving the work incomplete.
in 2006 signed an exclusive contract d with the prestigious Marvel to draw Spiderman, in 2007 published a limited number of Freddy vs Jas Ash vs on and now does illustrations for Marvel and recently published a calendar with the Disney princesses little warm.

personally is my favorite artist because their lines are straight but very thin giving the women a very sexy touch. It is very detailed and all illustrations can to appreciate even the smallest detail, characteristic of the characters making them unique. Recommended.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Muslims In Favor Of Stoning


A few weeks and the deadline for submitting nominations for municipal elections, a whole host of elements uncertainty and confusion in the field on the left in the Central Zone. If we define the common goal priority to enhance the presence of those seeking to make political progress and political regeneration of the city, my personal impression is that this upcoming May elections will hardly be a step in the totality of our area. Rather, I am afraid that could be a recession. Even the division of the right, after all a ploy designed to cling to power, might entail in the towns where they reflect a strengthening of its presence if the left and the world vasquista fail to properly articulate its offer .

Speaking of municipal elections, more in a region of low level of political homogeneity as ours, is to speak of local, very specific aspects daily management of the imprint of the candidates, electoral tradition of each place and a thousand circumstances. But nevertheless there are contextual factors that hinder the consensus and the closing of nominations, common elements that I will try to identify.
1) - The economic crisis and its proven impact on the labor market has a definite psychological burden. People perceive as a real possibility unemployment and social exclusion. It is not an ideal situation for involvement in public life. A bad time for adventures. I do not think you do need to explain why the fear of employer retaliation scares more potential candidates on the left than those of other conditions.
2) - The general lack of generational change. In Carcastillo, for instance, endangered by this time the submission of a bid as much history as the IC, with a history of many legislatures. With council members with 16 or 20 years old, the relay is desirable from all points of view, but it is very difficult. In the background hovers the question of the identity crisis of the new generation to politics. Many young people, including some closely engaged with social and cultural demands, rely heavily more in other ways to channel the demands and aspirations of their collective. The problem is that today have not emerged in these new benchmarks and participation to replace or at least effectively complement existing systems of representation.
3) - The treatment of our diversity and linguistic identity, despite the progress in integration, still wakes up in certain peoples prejudices and socio-cultural fields. In Marcilla is definitely frustrated about an independent candidacy of broad social consensus because some were not willing to include in the agenda around Euskera claims that others are waived. Even in some other town a little further north this conflict has manifested itself in some areas and lower levels within one of the parties which are NaBai. By the way, is hard to ignore the nostalgia for the contribution that a strong and organized Nabai, encouraged in their collective construction by all its members since its inception may have contributed to this difficult but irreplaceable to advance a cultural perspective and symbolic cohesion Navarre society.
4) - The sharp volatility in the political situation. The expectations of possible disappearance of ETA with the survival of Parties Act frame a situation in which almost everything appears open and it is very easy to lose perspective. True, it does not affect all people, because ultimately ANV only four years ago in Tafalla and Fakes, and prevented from doing so in Larraga. Everything indicates that in some of these places and maybe some more with the help of EA unit lists are promoted nationalist and political power rests with each reference or its members dispersed to study the circumstances of each case the most appropriate way to articulate candidates able to gain representation and where appropriate contribute to the formation of majorities of progress.
In this regard, it is particularly the case of Tafalla, a traditional establishment and population structure of MLNV solid and in which EA was by far the largest party in NaBai. The alleged difficulty that the coalition may have to complete an application with roots in the city coincides, by chance or not, with invitations from various fronts to participate in a kind of broad popular initiative, apparently with a good presentation in header, which some predict hitherto unsuspected possibilities. In this situation, potential breeding ground for disorientation, I express my opinion.
forms already employed through private contacts, without addressing the whole of Tafalla NaBai not guarantee the credibility of a unified proposal. But more important is the political. With increasing population size, specific weight of ideology and the attention to global political figures is more important in the decision of the voter. The outlawed pro-independence left has a very marked profile Tafalla, so any list that participate will be interpreted as " the list on the left-wing nationalism, however good additional support that may be because the recent past conditions much further political alliances and institutional activity. In the spring of 2011, at least, it is. Next time we'll see how things have evolved.
not it time to disperse the attention. NaBai has to make his way. And political indicators tell us that even with few members, has space and a reasonable chance in Tafalla, which if not activated, could lead to inhibition of the electorate vasquista and left. Because it is identified with a possibility to model key political cohesion, inclusion and pursuit of peaceful coexistence without fanfare with all political opponents. Because it is your right and your responsibility. Despite of all local and general difficulties described.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Is P90x Good For Lyme Disease

The Burka as an excuse

How Long After Drinking Take Ambien

A tribute to Japan and its people in a dramatic moment

Although the following post has nothing to do with the tag to which I wanted to link the occasion merits. Last Friday we widely shocked by the events that took place in Japan due to the devastating earthquake that triggered a huge tsunami and especially by recent news that talk of a nuclear holocaust in the Land of the Rising.

Because of these events, especially considering that these are taking place in the country that gave birth to the culture of manga / anime, I decided to focus my post on what has taken place and especially on the long road you have to go the Japanese people to carry out the reconstruction of their country, bearing in mind that at this time is more urgent to prevent a nuclear disaster that affects not only his country but the rest of the world. And is that nuclear energy is not played.

From here, and on behalf of the entire team Machines Freak, I would send my encouragement to the Japanese people and the Japanese who are residing in Spain and have relatives and friends in their home country who are suffering the consequences of the terrible disaster. Nor I can not forget the thousands of English nationals who are residing in Japan who, like the Japanese people are every day since the fatal 11M struggling to survive and move forward in a country that has been virtually destroyed and that hopefully not.

Letter Fromhuman Services To Doctor Template

Otegi's opinion

Otegi King called "chief torturer" and he lost one year in jail. Now the European Court of Human Rights has decided that this sentence violated his freedom of speech and condemned the state to compensate with 23,000 euros in a maximum of three months.

Otegi The sentence was an opinion, the Court says. But do it now?

In 2009 a document was seized Garikoitz Azpiazu, former military head of ETA, which recommended the prisoners report torture. And they do. But the state tends to dismiss their indictments for lack of evidence. Unless there is evidence that even a shyster business can ignore. In December 2010, four civil guards were sentenced to prison and disqualification for "severe torture" to two ETA prisoners.

The State tells us that such torture is an exception. Many believe they are the norm. That torture is one of those "tools of rule of law" that are never mentioned. And the political powers are determined to maintain and raise our suspicions. This week, the Board of Spokesmen Parliament of Navarre has refused to establish a Commission of Inquiry to look into allegations of torture made by the previous ETA prisoners. If there is torture, why not check? Why systematically deny any possible investigation?

Amnesty International, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and the Rapporteur Against Torture United Nations condemned to solitary confinement which is referred to the terrorists (those 13 days where detainees disappear from the map and they are alone with the security forces). And he condemned because it violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. We condemn it in 13 days, the cardinals come and go. The English State, however, turns a deaf ear to these complaints.

said all that ... is the king "the chief of the torturers?

Juan Carlos I de Borbón is the commander in chief of the Armed Forces. The Civil Guards were convicted in December of the Armed Forces. Then, indeed, the King is (was) the head of the torturers. At least those four.

Otegi was not imprisoned for giving an opinion. He was imprisoned for stating a fact.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Is Diabetes? ( Credible Sources)

Alfonso Etxeberria again opts for mayor Egüés Valley by NaBai

The Assembly Nafarroa Bai Egüés Valley-Eguesibar has decided that the current coalition spokesman in City Hall, Councilman Alfonso Goñi Etxeberria, as its candidate for mayor of the municipality. NaBai site coordinator since 2007, works at TRW Landaben, is married and has two children. Etxeberria, 45, has three terms in the Consistory (the first two by the Coalition Egüés Valley Independent). Second is Mike Etxart Azkarate graduated in Agricultural and Environmental Biology 34, and third, Ioseba Orduña Navarro, social worker 30 years.

NaBai commitment to "continue to defend the interests of all citizens of the Valley Egüés and public facilities will again be the priority of the coalition," the next four years. On the other hand, pledges to "continue fighting for Sarriguren is a true eco-city, not an island with no connections and services and access to huge deficits as it is today, resulting from poor planning UPN. "In addition, work to" transport the Commonwealth comes to the different peoples of the valley. "

also NaBai -Eguesibar poses "stop Valley Municipal Urban Plan," which represents "the biggest outrage of UPN Egüés team, for which" has also had the support of the PSN, and responds only to speculative interests. "In this line, the coalition calls for its closure and which is "the valley's inhabitants in a referendum to decide the future of the project binding.

other hand, Friday, at 19.30, Sarriguren Sports City will host a talk in which NaBai expose the lines of action and outline the proposals of the participants. Regarding the list, Etxeberria said to be completed, but the fourth and fifth positions are women. In addition, sets the target in the elections "to get 5 or 6 Councillors.

News Journal

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lsm видео

8 March 2011: De scholars recognize. Of wisdom, recognized

In this centenary of International Women's Day, of sages, is recognized. why women in the world are more but have less.
educational achievements of women do not translate into better jobs. They are doing less. And this is due to expectations that this society gives to men, that without qualification is possible, easy and well paid employment. On the other hand women need much higher skill levels than those of men for the same income
Only three of the 27 EU Member States have more than 40% of women parliamentarians and women hold one in four ministries. Women hold only 11% of the seats on the boards of European companies. Account for 3% of those CEOs of large firms. In men run Navarra seven out of ten companies
The female participation rate is lower than the male. And three in 10 European part-time work. That women still have worse jobs, often more unemployment and less income, they earn 17% less. The wage gap persists. In Navarra, 75 percent of women who work are in administrative or personal services. The number of women in employment is much lower than men's and unemployment rests with them further, "
That this wage gap between women and men is not an isolated incident but part of a whole structure of patriarchal organized not only wages but also professional guidance, categorization employment, the relevance of some occupations over others ... addition of time to be employed in paid work, leisure, family, friendship, rest and anything. The patriarchal system has sustained and supported to date in the sexual division of labor. What
mothers spend more than twice the time to care for children and parents remain scarce public health care services to childcare and eldercare. There are employers who penalize workers who choose to have different shapes hij @ s, and economic and fiscal incentives to permanently give them the jobs situation that leads women to begin trading later and to cease further contributions to meet family care. And this in turn affects performance. Recent data indicate that only 30% of women reaches 100% of your pension. The result is that one in four women over 65 is below the threshold of poverty. And with the pension reform, this is aggravated

That gender-based violence is not a problem for women but of society and therefore require comprehensive measures to address it. We are beings capable of autonomy and choice and conflicts must learn to resolve them nonviolently, learning how to treat us as equals, caring and negotiating differences.
Is wise to know and recognize the feminist movement and all women here and around the world have promoted over the last hundred years, the road to equality, providing a fundamental analysis to look and equitable social change.
wise, is recognized in the movement, knowing why we are where we are today is thanks to the perseverance and tenacity of women like Clara Campoamor, Matilde Huici .... And so many others were clear that equality between men and women was still a fundamental pillar for achieving a just and equitable and that there can be no democracy that does not have half the population. And they kept it, despite paying a political price and so personal.
also understand why not all go the same pace. Some achievements do not mean that all have them. There are groups and situations of women with singularities which involve unequal treatment and lack of social recognition that can bring greater levels of social exclusion. We are far from All rights to all.
of wise men and women, strive to raise awareness of this movement and to take into its analysis when habalr the world and solutions to the crisis, acknowledging that although there has been progress, much remains to be done. What is profitable to invest in equity.
Achieving gender equality remains a major challenge. If we are to achieve a recovery of the crisis that is sustainable and equitable and fairer globalization, we need solutions that take into account the gender dimension. The crisis involves a risk of intensifying the sexual division of labor and the inequalities generated. But it also represents an opportunity and a challenge to establish new forms of production and consumption, and reorganization of structures and relationships of care, establishing an equitable distribution between women and men in paid and unpaid work
of wise men and women is to understand to the privileges of gender is not a personal threat but an opportunity to work on sustainable development to improve the quality of life for all the people who make the public, where women and men are different as individuals and equal opportunities.
Therefore, this March 8, continue to build the Igualdad.Berdintasuna eraikitzen jarraitzen dugu.

Signed: Teresa Sáez. Technical Equality. ANDREA Coordinator. 40857601X