Thursday, February 17, 2011

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After last Friday's meeting gave the green light to the inclusion of independents, and after announcing EA already working on the preparation of their own election manifesto, seem to be solved in broad strokes the unknowns of the tortuous and painful soap opera on the final composition of Nafarroa Bai ahead of elections on 22 May. Before

just three months of hard work ahead Appeals are expected to park any expression of disagreement and to close ranks, as has already been done yesterday by the Management Committee of the independents:

"..... Enough recriminations and regrets. It's time to catch us shoulder, grit your teeth and look forward. Because, well, there is little we got, if you look from where we left ......."

I disagree to some extent on the literalness of this appeal. The same sense of honesty which must recognize the effort and intelligence of the negotiators as makers of verifiable progress on the conditions agreed in Initially the two remaining matches in NaBai, urging me to reveal my impression, based on what I know, that the assembly has not marked the end of the disaffection of many independents. I do not agree that it is still the time of silence "regrets" but listening and being aware of the current record low in mobilizing nabaizale environment, try to reconstruct as far as possible confidence in the possibility of building a project yet in which to believe.

Because the frustration does not stem from aspects of malcontents accessories or personal or corporate, but key issues, starting with the evidence of mismanagement of our plurality. We have been Batzarre and EA, the two unfortunate losses, the first, avoiding my point of view, repeatedly expressed, the second irreversible after drawing a roadmap converging in the short term with sectors in their path to have time to build a model country that we can not agree, occurred after a controversial treatment for our part of the political crisis that will undoubtedly be used as an internal cohesion. And wear that we suffer in the emergency context of the proposed accumulation sovereigntist not going to be offset by a strengthening of our social profile, because despite having been collected so far according to research techniques, as a coalition located significantly to the left, the PNV, which happens to be a party of four to be one between two, acquires greater importance than it had previously, thus offering a new edge attack. This situation was more advisable than ever NaBai display as more problematic than the sum of two very different games, but they have not hesitated to continue, with minor corrections in the case accused the nomination for the city of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bpractices partitocráticas, that lead to the over-representation, rather than exaggerated in the case of Aralar, in relation to their actual implementation.

However, the confusion factor that generates a feeling of instability and insecurity is a coalition designed as a tactical entente and thus subject to the vagaries of the political alliances and strategies for the conversion of spaces in facing quite legitimately parties in the future. Something very different from where we thought NaBai in 2007.

Looking ahead, however, no shortage of assets: We have convinced most independents and many nabaizales members of the need to develop a strategic project for political change. Interidentitario a project, although many of us feel nationalist. Made from and Navarre, with expressions that are called are called, do not have to comply mimetically supply and party structure of the CAV. Not only have the conviction, and also possibly with the intention of all those people, including public officials who want to promote this project in any of the circumstances that may arise. This drive requires

a speech that there is no need to hide now. Learning from our mistakes, which represent our share of responsibility for the deterioration of NaBai. We must call things by name and clearly and from now on. That must be our way of working now NaBai, it is the only way to get the possibility of an exciting project to rebuild credibility with both nabaizale extent that one way or another has grown apart.

Of course we have to do while working on the preparation of elections in the construction of local candidates in every place in which alone or together with other progressive sectors there are reasonable expectations to overcome the fatal 5%, the organization of talks and the implementation of all imaginable means and agitated informative. A complex but unavoidable coincidence.

I see no other way to roll over the current situation of many nabaizales emotional disintegration, a situation that never would have liked. Let us work, not omitting or forgetting.

Praxku in Gerinda Bai


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