Friday, February 18, 2011

Clean Mold Boat With Vinegar

double standards

Left, first understand the concept. The official nationalist left (hereinafter IAO) should never be outlawed. It is a democratic duty Sortu is legal, as well as an absolutely necessary for the normal policy of Euskal Herria.
And also because some want to exercise the right not to vote for them. Indeed, will celebrate its legalization and to celebrate not vote for them. Because so democracy is presented as not vote for them. It may seem obvious, but after the trappings of these days it seems that all of us who identify as nationalists owe allegiance and their alleged exclusive option for political means is the final step to independence, and that those who vote will not prevent reaching to the promised land of change is starting.
If the end of all this has resulted in the disappearance of ETA, the change will not be small, especially for victims and people at risk. Now, if you believe that recognition of "historic step" games UNP, PP and PSOE are going to fall off the horse and let them pass, then it will come. Just read the reviews of some of the common or joint spokesmen of the official newspaper of the IAO to know that no one else but purport to be back on track to regain a space as theirs exclusively. Even though delaying indefinitely the possibility of promoting left-wing policies respectful of political pluralism, social, linguistic and cultural development of Euskal Herria.
And I exercise my right not to vote for them because they still do not like what they convey and because almost everything they say are showing that what he is applying double standards.
If you do a demonstration in Bilbao in defense of the rights of ETA prisoners tell us that is just what is reported (it is), but if done in Madrid organized by the victims of terrorism then we hear what we want is to boycott the process (we want). But not because they want to boycott the alternative that no doubt embrace this town, but because they show the lack of a state that is more afraid of what the Basque people to decide democratically that what guns and murder can claim. And the guns have been popular gag expression.
If the media takes sides with the victims of ETA and its editorial criticizes the possible legalization of Sortu, are accused of far right (which many are) and use the pain to hinder the process. If a media account of the plight of ETA prisoners and others detained for their political views, then you are giving voice to the voiceless and justice is being done.
If you talk about victims, the ITB said that the two parties have been victims. But they forget something basic. People killed by ETA have not chosen to be on one side. Someone accused and executed them without trial and without the possibility of going back. And it should be clear that someone did not act on behalf of the Basque people. We will have to forgive and not added to the punishment of crimes committed. But one must recognize that what he did and show their repentance. The State
committed excesses and totally reprehensible actions does not make good the ETA terrorist action. As ETA terrorism can not be an excuse for not reporting such abuse. Cause for a country is democratic must be absolutely excluded from any practice that is not democratic. You can not shut down newspapers or detain people for their ideas or torturing detainees.
is said that as nationalist parties PNV and EA Aralar (although the latter and not at the moment) are partners in the strategy needed to support the fact Rubalcaba Parties Act. They have a charter clean and fully adjusted to the Political Parties Law and say they are against the law of parties, as are others. In them is consistency in the other is treason. When
from Nabai matches are told to decide where EA is accused of veto because Aralar is sold in Navarra to PNV. But when they vetoed others is democratic and leftist hygiene.
And speaking of the PNV. Until recently said that Lokarri, as Elkarri at the time, the PNV was a tool to weaken the IAO. But when Lokarri lends its image and resources to introduce Sortu, nobody remembers that connection.
the times are close to Herri Batasuna, Euskal Herritarrok, Batasuna, Sortu ... cease to be a topic of conversation and may be subject of study by historians. It is about time that we stop talking about them and we started to talk to them. We can talk about what is shared and what they disagree. And come to agreements on what is shared and seek points of agreement on what is not shared. That will be time to show true potential. But that's the way to long and the time elapsed in traversing depend on the willingness to assume they are one more and the ability to comply with or enforce inadvertently defeat.

PS If anyone wants a reality check of the mindset that today permeates the IAO, you can read an article by a qualified intellectual nationalist published navarro in Diario de Noticias on February 16, 2011, entitled There remains LerĂ­n . bad thing is that someone posts something current expressed as the nineteenth century. The problem is that there seems to be convinced by his pen-speaking people and which expresses an idea shared by the whole society, like it or not. Should we allow them to occupy a space that is not theirs? Obviously not. Many people are disappointed with the division of Nabai, but it is not possible is that the disenchantment occupy a greater political space to which they belong. Nabai has two responsibilities now, making change Navarra political and prevent more sectarian nationalism cajoles.
Txikitxu in Erreniega


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