Monday, February 28, 2011

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Kaixo nabaizaleok
From the Management Committee have begun a round of contacts with independent nabaizales different towns and counties Navarre to know their status, concerns and oponiones, also inform our thinking and approaches regarding Nafarroa Bai and unaffiliated group and, finally, to see among all the best way to tackle the next election. We started with a meeting last day 26 with nabaizales of Tudela, the next day 3 will be in Olite Erdialdea or those of Middle Zone and would like to continue with other areas such as Valdizarbe, Lizarraldea, Ribera Alta, Sakana, Mendialdea, Baztán- Bidasoa, Salazar, Roncal, Sangüesa area, etc., not to mention the various localities of the Shire of Pamplona.
To do this we need your help to contact the nabaizales independent of these or other areas or locations that you may know directly or indirectly, to arrange a meeting with them. We believe this action is absolutely necessary to meet and exchange views, to have direct information on the conditions and circumstances in which we deal with choices in each area or town and the way to go to strengthen the movement of non-members. We are confident that you will help us do this.

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is stunned !!,,,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Fear of historical truth?

would be nice, controversial issues or because of some historical event, to sit down and discuss and the stories / as various trends and schools, without exception (except the lack of rigor), and spoke of the history of science, as science is the discipline and as far as agreement can reach goal. This is always a great service to knowledge and culture of our society. Attempt inexcusable is precisely the already close 5 th anniversary of the conquest of the Old Kingdom Pyrenees (in history must be taken to be accurate and call the facts by their name, or is that the castles and fortresses after the entry of the Duke of Alba fell alone?) and so go demystifying platitudes and ideological prejudices of some trend or other, in search of the truth of our past.

In historical science is usually not celebrate anything, anniversaries are occasions to review, update, deepen historiography. Therefore we must congratulate all of Navarre and Navarre with the motion recently passed by an overwhelming majority in the Congress of Deputies, thanks to Barkos Uxue proposal, calling for "the meeting between the various existing historiographical trends 'and cousins' academics and scientists. " Hopefully that will take place. However, what I deeply regret the closure and narrow-mindedness, once again, the party that governs this community against anything that does not fit their partial and limited conception of Navarra. UPN and UPyD only opposed the motion, perhaps because the NaBai had, or so it appears critical to the PP Salvador deputy who do support it. After many years of stagnation, and it seems unlikely that this government is able to depoliticize basic issues such as History of Navarre or Euskera (the motion also calls for the implementation of the European Charter for Minority Languages).

is time, therefore, to try to form a new one, after the May elections, more faithful to the social majority that do not share the cultural myopia of the current rulers. A government that, among other things, not afraid of the historical truth of his people, either the 500 years ago or 75, or even make a contrary policy, unusual case in Europe, the weaker their own language.

Zudaire Mikel Aramburu in Diario de Noticias

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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What happened in Nabai?

years ago to recognize and expose errors in public policy was subject to excommunication, expulsion from the body, the penalty or against betrayal . Provide clues to the enemy was no receipt. So the dirty laundry at home. I believe that today's self-criticism or criticism may be tempered more useful than the indigestible concealment own weaknesses. The right does not normally make this intellectual exercise. Quite the contrary, see the example of Camps, or the art of perpetuating the lie armored. The rest or talk
For months, conflict, disputes, breaches, escapism, the settling of scores and adjustments programming statements, misunderstandings and political rearrangements within the coalition of parties that form , or rather, formed Nabai have filled news pages have been brainy political analysis of brain theory and policy scenarios, to prophetic musings and outcomes. And is that not a few internal differences and recognized "the invisible involving personal cost, have been the political bait in recent months. And some analysts that trough filled their crops at their discretion. Not for me to remove heat to what happened but not who you feed. Organizations and Nabai still is, occurring along multiple paths of dynamic, some incomprehensible. But this is part of a wicked game of politics. Or power.
On the other hand, all said. Everything is explained, by active and passive. The reasons some complaints and others have been exposed and analyzed. Another thing is how each partner feels in relation to the conflict, which has won or lost, if this has been profitable further adjustment and what degree of responsibility assumed by each one in the dangerous disintegration of Nabai.
are many readings, visions and explanations to the conflict between nabaizales, many LAPOS launched against one another, many contradictions between what was agreed, it said, as written, agreed and implemented, many efforts by each other for at least in theory, maintain the project. But nobody really knows what has been the trigger for the final stampede, the actual wreck of the political orphans of this coalition and emaciated. Explanations
Hayles for all tastes, aftertaste and sensibilities, that if the possible legalization of the Left Nationalist, that if the pressure in this election if legalized, if the ETA ceasefire, if the hidden agenda of the PNV, that if there was no real project, that if a new political climate and a new space relations, that if a sovereign space possibilistic unprecedented and compelling to define, on the one hand more independence forces, and partly to the left more social, if the reformulation of identity in a new political project, if the influence of Basque political processes, that if the pressure, depression or dependence on independents, that if their lust for power, that if the crisis of AD and its commitments to the IA, if the agreements Gernika, that if the failures of all partners, in short, a myriad of explanations that combined all of them to the list of reasons silenced reveal the current state of technical KO of the coalition, although political leaders, including independent , be committed - and so should do so given their political status, to keep the swords in the top of a political project that was a beacon in our community.
Perhaps many of these explanations, plus unnamed, plus real, which has led to the current situation, not content to anyone. Neither the allied and excoaligados or the voters themselves were largely absent from this debate, the forgotten ones the conflict and those who exercise their position before it in the next election. Perhaps all this does not serve to explain why it really has gotten to this point.
But as in all organizational conflicts, there are always other readings, or are not, or do not want to see or look the other way. I know the effort is in proving the guilt of others, outsiders, others at the treachery of others, in the swing of them, the blame outside of oneself. But this does not explain everything. Because this only reassures us about ourselves.
I think that what happened in Nabai, its internal fracture is the result of a brutal mismatch between the forces that made up, including independents. That from the beginning was to agree on a common road map has not been sufficient. This shows the different speeds that each partner has been retained. This mismatch would be defined by the internal differences of conception of political action, the location of each in the context of the coalition, the territory on which to run the policy, the concept of citizenship and their rights, mortgages taken out and challenges future of each, the notion of power, responsibilities, leadership assets and liabilities and their tolerance to them and the model of society that each one was and is. But above all, one thing has failed and affected everyone. Almost nobody has seen met their expectations, which were not necessarily shared or assumed or so intergroup. And these had to do, mostly, his role within the coalition, its role and future projections of key leadership. This has wrecked not only a political speech, even for brand despite trials, but also a project. While it is true that foundationally change, concept, acted as flag hitch, the reality has been modulating the real interests on many occasions have also acted mobilized by levels of political and personal, the most dangerous of powers. And worse, that gap has not been well managed or internally, much less media attention.
On the other hand, was a complex policy to maintain a long-term joint venture in a political context of major changes required, and require more largoplazistas approaches. Although it insisted on the necessity of commitment to change and all the paraphernalia unit. Let's say the political ERE imposed by the new situation has led to the failure of a project that attempts to save the expense of commitment, pride, stubbornness and faith in the ultimate victory: become, at least the second electoral force. Perhaps the reality is nabaizales patronize them back the lost time. Maybe. Restored
coalition (PNV-Aralar and Independent) is just as it has been approved to do my best. Not just now, also later, when the reality flowery month of May we have brought each one in place and force us to work for a future that some are determined to prevent it being present.

Paco Roda

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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asks Congress not to give a partial picture of the conquest of Navarre

The House of Representatives yesterday approved a motion by Nafarroa Bai urging the central government to not give a partial view military conquest of Navarre.

Specifically, the initiative put forward by Uxue Barkos Zapatero asks the Executive to facilitate, through its representative on the organizing committee of 2012, and following the recommendations of the Parliament of Navarre, "the meeting between the various existing historiographical trends" and that first "academic and scientific aspects" in events commemorating the fifth anniversary of the military conquest of Navarre.

The motion debated is the result of urgent interpellation Barker on Wednesday the Minister of Culture, Ángeles González-Sinde, and in which it undertook to ensure that the acts would watch because of this anniversary to be "integrated" all opinions.

The motion Barker included two items that were also approved, after they agreed paths NaBai and PSOE amendments transactions. Thus, where the coalition called "demand" the Government of Navarra compliance with its commitments to the European Charter for minority languages, the socialist group corrected the text which was finally left to call upon the Provincial Executive to "ensure" in within their compencias, compliance.

Similarly, the third point, called for the Ministry of Culture to conduct a catalog of the route of castles and fortresses destroyed in the race for his recovery schedule. This section, remove the PSOE wanted the motion, was approved by agreeing a text which claims that the central government to work, "according to the available budget and in accordance with the regulations in force in the recovery of the castles and fortresses destroyed during the war.

The motion received 333 votes in favor and only three against, the representatives of UPN and UPyD and a deputy who vote wrong.

Depoliticise During the debate in the House, Barker moved his desire to "avoid" the politicization of the centenarians and the Ministry of Culture claimed that their presence in preparations acts be "more ambitious" than the minister said last week. The

NaBai representative welcomed the outcome of the motion, because "the contents proposed by the Government of Navarra in the organizing committee of these events are not characterized by the balance of academics and scientists." In this regard, Barker noted that "the organizing committee, which involved the central government through the Ministry of Culture, discusses the incorporation of Navarre to the Crown of Castile, a polite euphemism but little consistent with the requirement of seriousness a topic of this nature requires. "

"It's not fair to say that the difference between incorporation and conquest is a slight difference," said Barker, in a clear criticism of his response last week in this regard González-Sinde.

debate also addressed the María José Fernández (PSOE-PSN), who appreciated the tone of Barker and recalled that "the history of nations is full of violence and that of Spain is no exception." Also argued that the acts to be scheduled, "it is to update the research and everyone knows more." "History can like it or not, but we can not forget," said Fernandez.

For his part, Santiago Cervera (PP) asked not to make a "political upstart" of history and criticized, in his view, "clumsy actions of the Government of Navarre" in this case, which has been "open political debate."
News Journal

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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PensANIMEnto enough

Me said the big boss of this blog, to write some of my thoughts and opinions about the world Otaku.
I know nothing Otaku world. : D. I think it means something like f phenomenon an anime or manga world, but neither is the difference between anime and manga. : D. I saw three Japanese series in my life that were Inuyasha, Che's sweet home , Bobobo and Death note .
I fell in love with Kikyo figure , which only raises their feeling of hate I to nu yasha . I broke to leave the series in chapter 163 without warning. I looked for the final ed mic, but not the same. The continuity I felt the series, bso of Kikyo, etc.

of Che's sweet home learned to understand my cat: D, and I saw on Youtube . never thought that a series whose chapters lasted 3 minutes could be so cute .

From Bobobo ,: D, go! realized he was not alone in the world. : D.

torpedo She and I are the same being. : D.


Death note: D realized that my true love was L, and not stop till I find him. : D.

But not any more. : D. I am leaving the world intellectual. I get into all the trouble I find unexpected ways to grow in such unpredictable adventures and the world what Otaku found by chance, like all the fun stuff. To get to places unknown first be missed.

I had made a giant poop sponge remove series Arale. : D.


nor because I was kept very small, but it makes me go poo grace.,: D, and a friend that if you know Otakus and Otaka, he said,

- "Come see the cosplay contest " :)

We went, we danced to the Para-dressed poop,: D, and we won. : D.

I got a check for 25 euros in Ateneo, as well am, I have not spent yet because I did not know how to spend it, did not have enough knowledge to discern from the crowd of things in that store something that I came.

But on the other side I like the manga anime series, because when I saw one, I hooked up to the end and could not stop her because in each chapter grew, I went with things so amazing that monkey picked unpredictable surprise, to meet with my head what could not deduct.: D.

But on the other, as I engancharé, not started, because I can not afford to see all the sleeves of the world series, which is what I really want . It's something like out of sight, heart, no feeling, but then I see Death note and say

- "How I have lived until now without seeing ????!!!!" : D

So that's my position . : D.

lie: D also have seen some movies that are the same director: Howl's Moving Castle,

's trip Xijiro and Princess Mononoke ,

Fabulous. In fact, in 's trip Xijiro , when the grandmother was on the small Xijiro , and is resized,

felt so vividly I close to my nose and evil giant crow with me always and floods that feeling when I remember that movie . I guess that is the key. The space in that movies is far more important that the young protagonist of the action . As Japanese prints of the year minus zero,: D, you see there and wallow in the landscape, and suddenly, like an ant is a small man,: D, here in the West, would be the center of the picture, there is an ant. Ponyo on the cliff gave me that feeling also: D

you out of you and wide in each wave of the sea. : D. Find other

the director's films, but do not reach the sole of the shoe to them. It is a lot to create three or four works of art in life.

Well what I do believe that, part is not anything in the world Otaku ,: D, is the philosophy there behind, because what I am is professional edge of .

I had to study Japanese, because one of the philosophies to study forced me to think without a subject, and it is quite difficult from our thinking and since our language is articulated more predicate subject, think no subject, because just for the sake of talking I have to give a subject, and therefore conceive of a subject. Then I thought :

- "And if I learn to speak in a language that is not taxable?"

and I seemed to understand that Japanese has no subject, why all the fuss with the Kendo . It is said well? Lo ... I do not remember ... all art of the sword ... or the sword ... which is the art of being one with the sword, achieving the harmony with him. From here with Western eyes , would say :

- "I control the sword to perfection."

A lli would be :

- "I've got to be one with the sword, and there the harmony , and perfect execution . "

stop thinking about the subject and difuminarte with what you have before, is very difficult think from here, in fact, is a film called Lost in Traslation , which only happens is that. Two Americans go to Japan believe, and are not. What happens and why you feel so dissymmetry yourself when you see that movie ? Because what you do not have is space to say to themselves. What has been lost the translation is its notion subject, even in the language there.

I think, that this subject notion that perhaps I say to a Japanese and says

- "are you talking about flip ! Subject that I have Yo si! Where did you get so movie? "

Well, maybe half of it is invented, but as a theoretical concept philosophical, if you could take, would we get muchísisisismo because it is the notion of subject is come. It is as if the next revolutionary discovery , we can not yet imagine, might be indicated in this notion and believe that the desire to see pictures anime manga, is perceived from a great distance, that notion. When we feel how we expand on the inside, or how we are blurring the inside, overflowing the boundaries of identity that we here, and suddenly there is a ferment exciting, creative, unexpected and unexpectedly, and at that moment, we feel the creativity within, it is when we can create ourselves as we want, because for a moment We're out of our concept of ourselves.

I have students who do something I know from philosophy as the art of displacement. In a documentary said that people who practiced it were doing it recall Yamasaki. is a kind of sport or activity limitation,: D, which consists of going moving through the city, jump from building to building or building street furniture, in unexpected ways to go jumping rapid that seem crazy, but getting him use to things square there are so boring, and almost oppressive in its sosez , dazzles you. You say:

- "But how do you get that flow? Magic is what you get done!" And indeed

, is "Be water, my friend " Bruce of read, man he studied philosophy in indeed.: D. A lthough 're in town, and believe that everything is square, and the system and the system structure exists to lock you up, you have within the fluidity and creative enough to exploit that there to keep static to fly! Harnessing
own structure elements square in your favor, and go over what you can, because the structure not expect you to be smart enough to seize in your favor, do not know your L. can be Nobody tells you how to be here L. You have to intuit in a series as unexpected as Death note.

So when I see my students, I think,

- " Estais about to see something revolutionary . You have chosen the exact anime series. You have chosen Precise risk sport. Estais before the notion of subject you can carry more beyond all, and suddenly, not just seen, they remain in the superficial, to dress up Yamasaki, or in disguise L, or collect the thousands of figurines L there, and the thousand faces compossible you have, being that what we have before us is the genius. Not great if you copy a genius, you should seek your own genius. "

I'm not saying we should not collect,: D, I have of poop galore Arale,: D, and flying pigs,: D, but the collection, the Become with all the Pokemon is typical of western consumerism. Which becomes one with his sword, falls into the collecting thousand blades. Is one with the sword and that's it. There is a fine line. You are here feeling effervescence of genius that gives you the world, and suddenly recaes back into the notion capricious and subject hog here. is a tenth of a second what a world apart from the other, so small it gets lost in translation and only see it in the leap from one language to another, because neither one nor the other to pronounce what is lost.

So what I think about the world Otaku? was the question I made the big boss. Well, I think
are one step ahead of common mortals. I think what others say it is rare, is a spark of genius, but also think it's very easy not see what are watching.

I poop disguise Arale,:), because it makes me laugh, and I recognize in these absurd situations of anime and say

- "Look I'm not crazy, more like me!" That would be

the first step, but that after going on:

- "Never mind that there are more like me or not, it is crazy that I have, is genius, and as such, only ."

Aunq ue as I said,: D, half the philosophy the invention that tell me: D but I think that's the key: D "

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Interview: Angela Lara Ruiz Animes

Although it is not usual, this section is devoted to the completion and publication of interviews in person and people who are veterans and enjoy great popularity and knowledge in the world of manga, anime and video games. However, problems in the distance and displacement have prevented us from conducting the interview in person, but we hope in future we interviewed personally know and enjoy their company as well as appreciate his work in person.

The person we interviewed was called Angela Lara Ruiz. We knew her for a story that gave us MisionTokyo. I attach the link if you want to read the news before reading the interview:

From the blog we wanted to publicize this young artist and wish him well and there is no better start to interview to see what their views on certain issues or topics about manga and anime, plus video games and everything otaku course is also a viciadete jejeje:

1 - To explain a little about yourself and your life, without getting to personal matters.

Well, my name is Angela Lara Ruiz, I'm from a town of Jaén but currently live in Granada.

My hobby, my work and studies is dedicated to the field of design, comics, illustration and manga. Yes, and I would like to continue in the future as well, but with improvements, of course: D

2 - aficionarte comment when you started the manga and drawing.

always draw since I can remember, first as fun and entertainment and more as something more than just a subject in class. In fact, my family was unusual, and not even know if it was something that gave me good or bad, just did. In adolescence, between friends and colleagues, is when you notice that was hand to it and since then I keep studying and improving everything we can to get better.

Given the theme of the manga ...

I do not know when exactly manga fans, I guess that since childhood to see on the television series. "Sailor Moon", "Heidi," "Marco", "Dragon Ball", "Champions," "Knights of the Zodiac" and other series of "magical girls" typical 90. I remember drawing with my sisters mini series devoted to stories that we liked and how that over the years was becoming a better shape and strength.

At first, did not even know it was called "manga" style of drawing, I had several comics home from Europe, English or American, but I knew none was similar to the picture I saw in my favorite series, so when I was older, seeking information about it in my small town. And from this "discovery" xD, find it works and series.

At the time in class for me and my sister did portraits and drawings in charcoal, and the step-style "manga" was not an easy task. But studying the techniques of the great authors, read and see much manga always helps.

3 - What are your favorite anime series.

are many, could give a long list and I still forget some.

De teen I loved "Sailor Moon", "Marmalade Boy" and "Dragon Ball".

Now, I prefer josei or seinen series, but I have some shonen as "Full Metal Alchemist" or "Bakuman" that I like as much or shojo "Kimi ni todote."

But, indeed, every time I read more manga before watching anime, but I like animation and each year some better quality.

4 - What are your favorite gaming console and a phone.

I like them all, provided they have good games.

Every time I have less time par play, but I am very fond of MMORG PC, and games from Square Enix. Currently what is playing more games is a "facebook" or the PSP with "Project Diva."

5 - Classic games and modern games?

Half and Half, there are very good classics, and many modern games which neither a decent category.

6 - What do you think of downloading classic games on next generation consoles? What do you think the passage of 2d to 3d in some video game franchises?

Mm ... I'm not very involved in the issue, but I feel good that they can Download classic games for modern consoles. So this kind of games can continue without risking having old consoles and will not be lost in oblivion.

The 3D is supposed to improve the game and be more visually attractive to the player, it helps sales, but I've seen several games that change 2D to 3D has only worsened.

Sometimes, the company should know the "pros and cons" of what you get when going to 3D.

7 - Tell me about your work.

"Sweet Blood" is my first professional work, and I'm giving it everything on every page so that your buyer is satisfied with it.

a manga (or comic) is not in a short time is a very laborious and endurable, but also rewarding. Spain still remains a bit ignorant about the subject of manga, and especially English, but I hope that this will change over the years and the authors who are dedicated to it can work even better. This not only help the authors but to repeat buyers. Remember that the manga gets more countries are the countries that most "create" manga too.

Going back to my work.

is above all the supernatural, romance and action. You can read some of it from the blog dedicated to it, or the publisher's website which published:

From his blog publish anything related to it, sketches, galleries, topics of interest ...

8 - Future plans regarding your relationship with the manga.

I had posed the true xD.

My idea is to continue my work, keep improving and publishing. Do not stop working on this and give me no limits.

few years ago it seemed unthinkable, so it seems hasty to talk about more when I do not know how much you can change the world in no time.

addition manga comics, I like his style animation (anime) or computer games, and I would also like to explore these areas.

Nothing, these are my answers to your questions, thank you very much for the interview J

Friday, February 18, 2011

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double standards

Left, first understand the concept. The official nationalist left (hereinafter IAO) should never be outlawed. It is a democratic duty Sortu is legal, as well as an absolutely necessary for the normal policy of Euskal Herria.
And also because some want to exercise the right not to vote for them. Indeed, will celebrate its legalization and to celebrate not vote for them. Because so democracy is presented as not vote for them. It may seem obvious, but after the trappings of these days it seems that all of us who identify as nationalists owe allegiance and their alleged exclusive option for political means is the final step to independence, and that those who vote will not prevent reaching to the promised land of change is starting.
If the end of all this has resulted in the disappearance of ETA, the change will not be small, especially for victims and people at risk. Now, if you believe that recognition of "historic step" games UNP, PP and PSOE are going to fall off the horse and let them pass, then it will come. Just read the reviews of some of the common or joint spokesmen of the official newspaper of the IAO to know that no one else but purport to be back on track to regain a space as theirs exclusively. Even though delaying indefinitely the possibility of promoting left-wing policies respectful of political pluralism, social, linguistic and cultural development of Euskal Herria.
And I exercise my right not to vote for them because they still do not like what they convey and because almost everything they say are showing that what he is applying double standards.
If you do a demonstration in Bilbao in defense of the rights of ETA prisoners tell us that is just what is reported (it is), but if done in Madrid organized by the victims of terrorism then we hear what we want is to boycott the process (we want). But not because they want to boycott the alternative that no doubt embrace this town, but because they show the lack of a state that is more afraid of what the Basque people to decide democratically that what guns and murder can claim. And the guns have been popular gag expression.
If the media takes sides with the victims of ETA and its editorial criticizes the possible legalization of Sortu, are accused of far right (which many are) and use the pain to hinder the process. If a media account of the plight of ETA prisoners and others detained for their political views, then you are giving voice to the voiceless and justice is being done.
If you talk about victims, the ITB said that the two parties have been victims. But they forget something basic. People killed by ETA have not chosen to be on one side. Someone accused and executed them without trial and without the possibility of going back. And it should be clear that someone did not act on behalf of the Basque people. We will have to forgive and not added to the punishment of crimes committed. But one must recognize that what he did and show their repentance. The State
committed excesses and totally reprehensible actions does not make good the ETA terrorist action. As ETA terrorism can not be an excuse for not reporting such abuse. Cause for a country is democratic must be absolutely excluded from any practice that is not democratic. You can not shut down newspapers or detain people for their ideas or torturing detainees.
is said that as nationalist parties PNV and EA Aralar (although the latter and not at the moment) are partners in the strategy needed to support the fact Rubalcaba Parties Act. They have a charter clean and fully adjusted to the Political Parties Law and say they are against the law of parties, as are others. In them is consistency in the other is treason. When
from Nabai matches are told to decide where EA is accused of veto because Aralar is sold in Navarra to PNV. But when they vetoed others is democratic and leftist hygiene.
And speaking of the PNV. Until recently said that Lokarri, as Elkarri at the time, the PNV was a tool to weaken the IAO. But when Lokarri lends its image and resources to introduce Sortu, nobody remembers that connection.
the times are close to Herri Batasuna, Euskal Herritarrok, Batasuna, Sortu ... cease to be a topic of conversation and may be subject of study by historians. It is about time that we stop talking about them and we started to talk to them. We can talk about what is shared and what they disagree. And come to agreements on what is shared and seek points of agreement on what is not shared. That will be time to show true potential. But that's the way to long and the time elapsed in traversing depend on the willingness to assume they are one more and the ability to comply with or enforce inadvertently defeat.

PS If anyone wants a reality check of the mindset that today permeates the IAO, you can read an article by a qualified intellectual nationalist published navarro in Diario de Noticias on February 16, 2011, entitled There remains Lerín . bad thing is that someone posts something current expressed as the nineteenth century. The problem is that there seems to be convinced by his pen-speaking people and which expresses an idea shared by the whole society, like it or not. Should we allow them to occupy a space that is not theirs? Obviously not. Many people are disappointed with the division of Nabai, but it is not possible is that the disenchantment occupy a greater political space to which they belong. Nabai has two responsibilities now, making change Navarra political and prevent more sectarian nationalism cajoles.
Txikitxu in Erreniega

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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New season of 2011 (II)

Animes New season of 2011 (I) :

Gosick, the story begins in 1924 in an academy near the Alps (Academy Sainte Marguerite), her children attend the aristocrats. The main character is Kazuya Kujo, the third son of a Japanese imperial soldier. In this academy meets a young Victorique long blond hair who never attend classes because she spends all day in the library. Victorique has a great ability to solve mysteries and together with Kujo began to solve mysteries all the mysteries that will be appearing before them. This anime is based on the light novel published Kazuki Sakuraba in 2003. It is also adapted to manga which began publication in 2007.

Yumekui Merry tells the story of Yumeji Fujiwara, a student who normally would not be pporque has the uncanny ability to see the aura of dreams of any person and predict what kind of sleep will have. One day a young woman returning home he falls over, this girl is called Merry Nightmare.Merry is a demon of dreams, he wants to return to their world. For a devil can be in the real world needs a container (a person) how to communicate with people is through dreams. Merry, not knowing how to get back to his world deidca to look like demons empower the body of a person, to find a way back. With the ability to Yumeji will be easier the task. Based on a manga by Yoshitaka Ushiki still in publication since 2008.

Freezing in the world there are a number of organisms called "Nova", these aliens come from another dimension to destroy everything in its path. The only way to fight the Nova is with Pandora, girls genetically modified, but only enough n the Pandoras, they need a limiter, a guy who can use a special power called "freezing" (freezing) to limit mobility your opponent and get close to the Novas without losing mobility. Kazuya Aoi The protagonist is a newly enrolled student in an academy where they prepare Pandoras and limiters. There he meets Bridgette L. Also called the Queen Satellizer untouchable. Aoi decides to be the limiting Satellizer and together form a team but will not be as easy pandoras try to eliminate many on the road. Based on the manga written by Dall-Young Lim and illustrated by Kim Kwang Hyun from 2006 until today.

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After last Friday's meeting gave the green light to the inclusion of independents, and after announcing EA already working on the preparation of their own election manifesto, seem to be solved in broad strokes the unknowns of the tortuous and painful soap opera on the final composition of Nafarroa Bai ahead of elections on 22 May. Before

just three months of hard work ahead Appeals are expected to park any expression of disagreement and to close ranks, as has already been done yesterday by the Management Committee of the independents:

"..... Enough recriminations and regrets. It's time to catch us shoulder, grit your teeth and look forward. Because, well, there is little we got, if you look from where we left ......."

I disagree to some extent on the literalness of this appeal. The same sense of honesty which must recognize the effort and intelligence of the negotiators as makers of verifiable progress on the conditions agreed in Initially the two remaining matches in NaBai, urging me to reveal my impression, based on what I know, that the assembly has not marked the end of the disaffection of many independents. I do not agree that it is still the time of silence "regrets" but listening and being aware of the current record low in mobilizing nabaizale environment, try to reconstruct as far as possible confidence in the possibility of building a project yet in which to believe.

Because the frustration does not stem from aspects of malcontents accessories or personal or corporate, but key issues, starting with the evidence of mismanagement of our plurality. We have been Batzarre and EA, the two unfortunate losses, the first, avoiding my point of view, repeatedly expressed, the second irreversible after drawing a roadmap converging in the short term with sectors in their path to have time to build a model country that we can not agree, occurred after a controversial treatment for our part of the political crisis that will undoubtedly be used as an internal cohesion. And wear that we suffer in the emergency context of the proposed accumulation sovereigntist not going to be offset by a strengthening of our social profile, because despite having been collected so far according to research techniques, as a coalition located significantly to the left, the PNV, which happens to be a party of four to be one between two, acquires greater importance than it had previously, thus offering a new edge attack. This situation was more advisable than ever NaBai display as more problematic than the sum of two very different games, but they have not hesitated to continue, with minor corrections in the case accused the nomination for the city of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bpractices partitocráticas, that lead to the over-representation, rather than exaggerated in the case of Aralar, in relation to their actual implementation.

However, the confusion factor that generates a feeling of instability and insecurity is a coalition designed as a tactical entente and thus subject to the vagaries of the political alliances and strategies for the conversion of spaces in facing quite legitimately parties in the future. Something very different from where we thought NaBai in 2007.

Looking ahead, however, no shortage of assets: We have convinced most independents and many nabaizales members of the need to develop a strategic project for political change. Interidentitario a project, although many of us feel nationalist. Made from and Navarre, with expressions that are called are called, do not have to comply mimetically supply and party structure of the CAV. Not only have the conviction, and also possibly with the intention of all those people, including public officials who want to promote this project in any of the circumstances that may arise. This drive requires

a speech that there is no need to hide now. Learning from our mistakes, which represent our share of responsibility for the deterioration of NaBai. We must call things by name and clearly and from now on. That must be our way of working now NaBai, it is the only way to get the possibility of an exciting project to rebuild credibility with both nabaizale extent that one way or another has grown apart.

Of course we have to do while working on the preparation of elections in the construction of local candidates in every place in which alone or together with other progressive sectors there are reasonable expectations to overcome the fatal 5%, the organization of talks and the implementation of all imaginable means and agitated informative. A complex but unavoidable coincidence.

I see no other way to roll over the current situation of many nabaizales emotional disintegration, a situation that never would have liked. Let us work, not omitting or forgetting.

Praxku in Gerinda Bai