Sunday, December 14, 2008

Top 20 Slow Songs2011

We are a group of psychoanalytically oriented psychologists, we provide clinical care in the field of health for children with special ongoing autism and psychosis, or those children who have serious difficulties in different areas in which they perform require a specific diagnosis or referral for appropriately treated in this or other space. Performed here the admission of the patient, diagnosis and treatment and monitoring that, and the relationship with the school and parents of the patient.

Our task is based on the clinical and the difficulties of the child in the area of \u200b\u200blanguage, in the game, in relation to the other, with objects and with your body. The offer for these kids, is the investigation of the detail of his subjectivity in all these areas where it develops its various activities, as well as family and society that integrates. Treatments include consideration of the case by case basis. That is made effective in one by one. On the needs of everyone, and in buildings that each consultant is putting together subjectively.

The second approach offered by this analytical space is that of teaching, which has spread in the delivery of courses, workshops and / or seminars for psychologists and advanced students of psychology, with strong interest to collaborate in the clinical training care for children with serious diseases such as PDD called in its different manifestations, autism and psychosis in progress. In this extension teaching has been the emphasis on conceptual and clinical application. Respecting transmission joint theoretical-clinical from detailed case for this purpose.

Another aspect is the research, which every year has been modified according to the theme proposed by the members of the site or as institutional clinical needs. As the proposal for 2009, "The enjoyment in psychosis." Investigations are disclosed in the form of papers and publications this blog, or other means of dissemination of psychoanalytic field.

Other activities include internships where interns participate psychologists treatments always involved with the supervision of the coordinator of the institution, and the possibility of clinical training, theoretical as well as participation in interviews with parents, schools , or other professional care to children outside of this area. Interns also participate in technical team meetings where we discuss the cases, one by one, to uphold the objectives of the specific treatment of that particular child.


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