To account for the bet you made the Lacanian clinic today, is to target and justify a practice based on continuity, in particular the closing of each person as a knot and in the course of the symptom and enjoyment at the end of an analysis.
think a child as neurotic or psychotic, not only reminds us of qualifying boxes containing structural tags, but, also realize the discontinuous, as the name frozen.
is why we find it appropriate to psychoanalysts, name psychosis in children and not children with psychosis, or what is worse, psychotic child.
But how to define something in a psychotic child, which is realizing a special constitution.
If you think from Lacanian teaching in his later years, we are confronted to records: R, S, and I. Imaginary ungrudgingly repudiation of the symbolic and real excess. Working in listening to the records, we can find knots subjective showing docking and undocking times and constitutive logic by which a child is traveling.
Pesquisar itself as the subject, the particular detail that makes it unique. What it does, which repeats what enjoyment is at stake, (look?, Voice?). Working with reality that makes you stop, or orthopedic crutch making symbolic mosaic collage of the imagination. That is the job of "psychosis" or the analyst, or the child; we repeat, of "psychosis" since she is working on a cure.
What does a Lacanian analyst guidance in the treatment of psychosis in children?
a) A diagnostic mode:
- hears details of it.
- what and pattern repeats.
- that object in his pocket.
- how far remains to Another (capitalized).
- how relates to language, with the game, with objects in general and small and others.
- what relationship does with her body, that child.
- and points, among other things, the present enjoyment.
- dispute the object in question.
- multiplies the transfer.
- bet clinical work "among many"; the knowledge small task is "a" to "A1" and knock down the A capitalized.
- confronted with joy, with joy in all sides.
- bet to assemble the knot, which makes the child, and the particularity that it carries.
- provided by the body.
- is swept to make room for the blade of the subject.
- provides names, names names, sorted by veil of what we do not have: Name of the Father. And accompanies him on his release.
What does the child in the analysis that moves in some of the psychotic?
- consent (give consent).
- say yes, rather than remain puzzled by the capture of the subject, before a contingent S2.
- bar enjoyment and makes work for it.
- creates a sinthome, that shoddy sewing mode, allows a new smelter, which make an appearance, maintains a balance between the parties.
- invents a node, or a version of the parent, or a pere-version itself.
What is the cure?
story now discuss a small trial ( 1):
Pedro's case is different, with a psychiatric diagnosis of schizophrenia, paranoia (shared with psychoanalysis). Hallucinations, delusional, mirror works only with peers, when the priest tries to come and officiate transferencialmente pair to produce something there, it is almost impossible.
is not the way they walk a different path than the peer, peers. "Classmates or siblings." He calls me by my name and I call him the same way. Attempt in their activities to be Buddy, I accompany him, but not enough, it does hallucinate, or arm in the other mirror. Later it occurs to me, while you keep your school supplies in the bag, pats on the back and say, "Dude!" (Emphasis added). He says "my friend" and pronounce my name as well. From there you can articulate the hallucinations of Peter with my parity for him. Gives me as par. A couple that comes and intervenes (not intrusive) in its phenomena. And move from there.
Multiply the transfer, it is not massive, is another way. At the institutional level the children ask all to one person, for example: "What we eat today?", "Where's the soap?", Etc., The forwarding to the cook who has this knowledge, or auxiliary replenish the soap to his orders, is a good way. The support of other professionals from other knowledge curtail the big Other. And the sweep, giving rise to something else. Another thing to stay without being anything else that object. Example: a pediatrician, professor of physical education teachers, speech therapist, assistants, etc.
The mass transfer runs in the same way enjoyer of the Other. And that the splits.
The cure is "in between", at the juncture in the recess, as not close. analyst bet, the child consents and works, psychosis does the rest, which is something. Recall Lacan's proposal "does not shrink from psychosis. Arm something so deadly can limit the enjoyment, the enjoyment of the llanguage, body, relationship with others and build relationships, hidden monsters calms and soothes the suffering everyday, that makes a cure.
story now discuss a small trial ( 1):
Pedro's case is different, with a psychiatric diagnosis of schizophrenia, paranoia (shared with psychoanalysis). Hallucinations, delusional, mirror works only with peers, when the priest tries to come and officiate transferencialmente pair to produce something there, it is almost impossible.
is not the way they walk a different path than the peer, peers. "Classmates or siblings." He calls me by my name and I call him the same way. Attempt in their activities to be Buddy, I accompany him, but not enough, it does hallucinate, or arm in the other mirror. Later it occurs to me, while you keep your school supplies in the bag, pats on the back and say, "Dude!" (Emphasis added). He says "my friend" and pronounce my name as well. From there you can articulate the hallucinations of Peter with my parity for him. Gives me as par. A couple that comes and intervenes (not intrusive) in its phenomena. And move from there.
Multiply the transfer, it is not massive, is another way. At the institutional level the children ask all to one person, for example: "What we eat today?", "Where's the soap?", Etc., The forwarding to the cook who has this knowledge, or auxiliary replenish the soap to his orders, is a good way. The support of other professionals from other knowledge curtail the big Other. And the sweep, giving rise to something else. Another thing to stay without being anything else that object. Example: a pediatrician, professor of physical education teachers, speech therapist, assistants, etc.
The mass transfer runs in the same way enjoyer of the Other. And that the splits.
The cure is "in between", at the juncture in the recess, as not close. analyst bet, the child consents and works, psychosis does the rest, which is something. Recall Lacan's proposal "does not shrink from psychosis. Arm something so deadly can limit the enjoyment, the enjoyment of the llanguage, body, relationship with others and build relationships, hidden monsters calms and soothes the suffering everyday, that makes a cure.
Cecilia Collazo.
( 1) In "What do you hear an analyst?" Page. 71. Peter Case. Cecilia Collazo. Editorial Grama. 2007.
( 2) Under "What do you hear an analyst?" Page. Final Words 127. Cecilia Collazo. Editorial Grama. 2007.
Source: This work has been published in the journal Imago-Book of the month of May 2008, No. 119. Pages: 18 to 20.