Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Much Sell A Microwave For Garage Sale?


Sunday, May 1, 2011

How To Fix Fake Leather Couch Cushion

I was disappointed in the Salon del Manga de Alicante ... and that has not yet begun

Good night to all readers and supporters of this young and recent blog, which next month will be a year of operation

post that
I will write I will not do to speak of I Salon del Manga de Alicante, to be held in a fortnight, and therefore I can not base my opinion constructive criticism in an event that has not yet been concluded, would be to develop unsubstantiated opinion.

The reason why I will talk about the next event is otaku feel outrage that members this blog and especially a server. Outrage stems from the fact that n ose has told us for a section that is fairly easy that does not have high demand, as is the section of the conference.

A server is outraged that we are a people that we have run a few events otaku, from Valencia, Albacete and Murcia, and we believe that we have been treated unfairly when choosing the topics for the conference. We are in Alicante and other places which I mentioned, have had no problem in accepting and specifically at the Salon del Manga in Murcia, we always have called on both existing issues and have always achieved success and discussions wherever we participated. We thought that being of Alicante, the conferences are not an issue in high demand to participate, especially with the theme that we would participate, as is the Dragon Ball phenomenon that would have reaped a great success for attendees and participants in a posterior and theoretical debate.

Despite everything we had in our favor, but last-minute surprises, which the server is not expected at all, FREAK MACHINES will not be represented in the I Salon del Manga de Alicante. A blog run by people mostly from Alicante's true that deserved a better chance to be the first, as has happened in the salon manga de Murcia.

This post is not to blame anyone in particular. However, the fact remains that we have every right in the world to express our disappointment and disillusionment are unable to participate in an event that otaku around Alicante and waited impatiently watching the Salon del Manga de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bor similar events will come rather distant and now more than ever with the crisis.

Anyway, nothing happens, as the phrase: "Nobody is prophet in his land." Murcia awaits us well in the next fangames or in the next room
Manga Murcia