Sunday, November 5, 2006

Rephresh Cottage Cheese Discharge

....... (Read ...)

Exposure 'subject denatured' in:
ART AND PART (Number 65, November 2006).
(See article)

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Gay Resort In Antigua

Provisional essay on the outbreak in Psychosis


With the disappearance of Lacan, in the field of psychosis, the bonds are extended to link with more theory clinic. The second clinic prepared Lacan leaves questions to be addressed by his disciples in this field.

is possible that we are in the beginning of this consolidation of the first stage in such issues, Anger meetings, Antibes Arcachon and could be considered emerging movements that seek to shape, to a rereading of the Lacanian inheritance in psychosis. This evolution of concepts, for now, seems somewhat scattered and should be consolidated with the clinic.

The concept of foreclosure of the father's name, did not alter the approach of analytic treatment in psychosis, however, after the death of Lacan some of his disciples begin with "other-centeredness" that spoke the "maitre" but it shall not be construed not suppressed, it is possible some elaboration. is amended, then the clinical psychosis pointing to a moderation of enjoyment to allow development of substitutions. This questions the relevance of the concept of foreclosure father's name.

pluralization of the name of the father, his decline and application in Borromean knots and final setting allowed the meeting to sign with other solutions subjective substitution on the role of Father .

Indeed, the pluralization of the name of the Father, allowing the opening to a subjective law holds in the sinthome as this ties the enjoyment -sense, so the name of the Father and can not be considered a universal, but a subjective invention possible. The foreclosure will not, then understood as a universal remedy, there is the possibility of substitutions in psychosis, related to the clinic blurs. This is witnessed in Angers , and Antibes Arcachon . So we have:

1) First clinical , maintaining continuity with categories like neurosis, psychosis net-perversion. Is secreted, with a permanent distinguishing feature-the Name of the Father, whose repression or foreclosure defines a structure neurotic or psychotic.

2) Second clinic, continuity, dedicated to the study of deformation or rupture of the tethered structure of the subject. In which one can not distinguish a differential element, which is segregative and from which extends the concept of the Name of the Father, he takes his pluralization. Then, the paternal metaphor is a device of the symptom and others whose aim will be to ensure coordination between the signifying operation and its impact on the enjoyment of the subject.

Located two clinical conceptions, we could formulate a way to globalize mathemes ideas of this paper:

· basic formulation

For all psychoses there is foreclosure of the Name of the Father

· Formulation "canonical"

For all psychoses, tantamount to a "Father an unleashing

· extended formulation

For all psychoses, to Un-Father, not always equivalent to trigger

B-A beginning: the creation of the paradigm

El concepto de desencadenamiento es un término lacaniano, correspondiente a la teoría de la psicosis que designa el inicio con evidencia clínica de la estructura. El acercamiento teórico de la psiquiatría pueden pensarse así:

· la locura fue asociada como una enfermedad más de cuerpo.

· la psiquiatría clásica habla de “descompensación, but as a clinical phenomenon, and not as a structural concept.

The trigger concept in Lacan, and as initial paradigm meets three issues:

1. Accidental cause, always uncertain and casual: the meeting with a parent.

2. The dissolution of a stabilization: purely conformist identifications

3. The operation of a specific cause: foreclosure of the Name-of-father

These three fundamental features of the outbreak, as well as validating the first two mathemes, are trends in the Lacanian literature:

Until 1957

Family (1938). Anticipating the application of 1957, Lacan conceived from the onset of a structure that reproduces the climax of the Oedipus complex and reveals its failure. In these circumstances, the parent object of Oedipal identification could not overcome the object of desire, thus leaving the subject faced narcissistic image unmediated

from 60 '

Lacan himself says two forms of release:

1) Seminar 3 . P. 360 " yeah, yeah, yeah, the neighbor "

A certain psychotic individuals are presented with anxiety when the situation requires them to hold their views or their responsibilities.

2) In a preliminary ... : The wise psychotic (Cantor, Janos, Julius Robert von Mayer, etc.). not always reveal the Father is present in triggering psychotic.

a twist is imposed on the incompleteness of the Other: the hiancia of symbolism can not be reduced, each subject has to adapt to it. Then the name of the Father (now written as S (A), becomes the signifier that can give you an answer hiancia phallic to the Other. When the outbreak reveals the failure of this response, is a figure of persecution, the Un-Father in reality.

is not meeting with A-Father showing symbolic failure, but the confrontation of the incompleteness of the Other is that the Father raises enjoyer, therefore, justify propose an extended formulation the triggering paradigm.

B.1. theoretical overview

a) Structure paranoid psychosis, in 1931, appeared in La Semaine des Hôpitaux Paris , N ª 14. In this paper, the concept of triggering is assimilated to that of hatching delusional.

b) Thesis, 1932

What Lacan called "seminal moment" in this thesis agree with Capgras Serieux and to consider the "personal significance" as the central phenomenon psychosis. This is when the subject experiences the certainty of being white of significance whose meaning is enigmatic.

c) La Familia (1938). Anticipating the application of 1957, Lacan conceived from the onset of a structure that reproduces the climax of the Oedipus complex and reveals its failure. En estas circunstancias, el objeto paterno de la identificación edípica no conseguía superar al objeto del deseo, dejando de esta forma al sujeto enfrentado sin mediación con imágenes narcisistas.

d) Seminario 3 – Schreber

En el caso Schreber, al recorrer el Seminario 3 , con una lectura simultanea del Capítulo IV de las Memorias … podemos reconstruir los diferentes momentos de la paranoia, digamos clásica.

A first time Prepsicosis called in a synchronous way, without an onset and sustained purely conformist identifications . Thus Schreber reaches age 51, after an initial disease, where there is a first shock of the imaginary body which claims to losing elections to the Reichstag. His "imminent designation" as Chief Justice of Dresden gallery, calls a few weeks to exhaustion, and sleep comes this series of half-sleep ( how lovely it would be a woman suffering link) and logging in prepsicótica phase, time of perplexity (sleep) and band phenomena (ringing in the wall). It then continues with the collapse ( cataclysm ) imaginary, followed by a clear appearance of delusions, culminating in the so-called delusional metaphor, substituting the paternal metaphor . If the plot have:

e) In a preliminary to any possible treatment of psychosis , 1958

This text is part of the concept of the incompleteness of the Other, and psychosis is studied from the neurosis: the Scheme I is a Rho deformation. Conversely, psychotic symptom enrolled in reality, goes beyond the issue unconscious with "that has" innovates the design of the Name of the Father, to name a joy is the main objective of this significant that lightens up being nothing more than a face. To be foreclosed is discovered its fundamental function: to mask the "Father A real move as more harshly in psychosis.

This is composed of three areas mentioned above (cause accidental: the encounter with A-father, a stabilization solution: identification purely conformist and operation of a specific cause: foreclosure of the Name-of-father), where the outbreak would be referred to this meeting that unmasks the effects of foreclosure of the Name-of-the Father, ie the absence of phallic significance. The encounter with an enjoyment, it shows whether the subject has not that significant or fundamental.

Evidence of basic phenomena, accurate, account of the psychotic structure where the "abyss" or holes in the symbolic furrow with P 0 (verbal hallucinations and language disorders, the word and utterance, and phenomena thought tax) [mental automatism]) and the Imaginary with F 0 (ideas related to sexuality and body, crazy, passage to the act, a bodily dysfunction, ideas relating to love and sex, loss of sense of life enigmatic) according to the scheme I ( deformation scheme Rho).

B.2. Cartoons Clinical confirmation paradigm "canonical"

- A written psychosis

N ., 73, publishes his book " What happens in Argentina as Angels", where witnesses to his new state. The first part of the book (Science and mystical ) reports, without much detail, some issues of his life. The outbreak was precipitates from two issues, the book never and death of her husband. Continues with a dream: the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal prompted to save the country by organizing a social crusade ("Peace, Love and Democracy") from Argentina which you take the people of America .. Then begins the second part of the book entitled Early signs with an account of various miracles, and delirious musings reveal all the basic phenomena typical.

Then the third part, we find angelic messages, Dialogue with the Angels, Vox angelica , etc. The trajectory is almost typical:

1. Support imaginary positioned

2. Reading book never and death of the husband

3. Triggering : sleep with the virgin

4. Formation and evidence of the elementary phenomena

5. delusional position

- A schizophrenia

L., 21, is brought by her mother to a public hospital. The most prominent symptoms in the beginning was the apathy affective appeared insensitive, even physical pain. Stare, song or walk, slow and automatic. Bizarre gestures, insomnia, disordered and broken phrases, meaningless, spent his hours walking in circles, eating in an exaggerated manner, rude and disorderly, then vomited. Could be watching TV (on or off). Memory, intelligence and orientation were conserved.

The onset is gradual, takes place in different stages, one after another through a series of events leading imaginary collapsing their compensation, all related to death. The most explosive event , happens on the eve of a move to the province of Corrientes, escapes at night, paint your rustproof body, naked is found two days later screaming and thrashing in the bushes at the side of the road.

already installed with your family (12 years) the final collapse accelerates, leaving the school, the bravery of his actions is emphasized (gestures and words).

trajectory schematically is:

1. Compensation imaginary

2. Decline progressive elementary phenomena with shocking events during childhood

3. Moving and triggering

4. Table hallucinatory without delusions structured. Noticeable speech disorders

B.3. A source triggering the paradigm of

  1. far we have described-briefly- three cases, with variations on typicality of the Schreber case, established from the Seminar 3 and In a preliminary ... in all triggers, is this a subjective division into a before and after. We recorded the evidence before your situational analysis. The issue before us is whether this "criminality" is in question in the field of elicitation.

  1. The differences between the subjective structures arise when we consider significant issues of the Name-of-father enrolled in the patient's speech. From there we can raise a differential diagnosis from the effects of that registration. Lacan's structural position could then summarize: In the beginning there Bejahung or Verwerfung . After effects.

The signifier of the name-of-father, or is part of the symbolic, or rejected, foreclosed, but not simultaneity. This would be the paradigm the outbreak, ie the origin , to begin to consider the phenomenon .

is not the time "..", ie the temporal dimension of foreclosure, but its latent state of origin when the timing of circumstantial resonate in the subjective structure in the real signifier des-chained to his "poor? symbolic attachment.

  1. The trigger would be referred to this meeting that unmasks the effects of foreclosure of the signifier of the Name-of-father, ie the absence of the phallic significance. The moment of onset is dominated by the random-encounter-always a pleasure (jouissance of the Other or Other) and failure with which the subject faces to symbolize and find a way of subjectivity.

C-II clinical: to the extent (or relativization) of triggering paradigm

Outline the second clinic of psychosis, is more complicated, is made in the logical terms longer than one generation of analysts postlacanianos based primarily on clinical practice dispersed worldwide, thus approaching general ideas should be confronted with reality.

As part of this new clinical turning the pivot on which new ideas not all involve a triggering irreversible psychosis , like Schreber, and the cases presented. We are now, then, about the so-called "second clinic, the torque starts before Angesr , and Antibes Arcachon . The progress of these new concepts from a reading of the theory and clinical cases could outline as follows:

The preliminary issue in psychosis can be summarized in the foreclosure of the signifier's name father owned psychosis. What own would be a way a universal reach of psychosis, because it allows to speak of psychosis as a whole. This would be the lack of universal signifier of the father-name. Lacan seems to care much about this particular decisive point: the onset, the effect of foreclosure is more evident. Although the structure is already evident by language.

In a preliminary to any possible treatment of psychosis , is then Agnes, and Antibes Arcachon . These are reference insurmountable in consideration of psychosis from the Lacanian perspective, in particular, blurs the clinic, it allows a more refined and overcome the edges of the unclassifiable.

D - Final comments and conclusions Provisiorias

In this second clinic, yet little studied, we find the structure without triggering psychotic. Which would not be a novelty, but the issue would be focused on the substitutions of this structure, something that paternal function officiate.

Other issues that are established with these new ways to study clinical is that it would be a gradation between neurosis and psychosis. If for panic, the point of enough is the name of the Father, for psychosis is simply the name of the father . ( The unclassifiable ... P. 395).

wise, it is also the commentary by Serge Cottet, in Hypothesis continuity of psychosis, when invited, from the pluralization of the name of the Father, " draw conclusions from a clinic and open to the substitutions variety that the concept of foreclosure and its effects can be deduced alone ... "What does

clinically this new landscape in the review of these old and new Lacanian concepts?

- That there stabilization of the subjects own psychotic structures

- Contribute to examine the concept of a poorly studied clinical

- The phrase Lacan's "no recoil psychosis" should be an impetus to consider how it might be to develop specific management transfer in these cases.

- psychotic delirium is compatible with the exercise of the highest intellectual faculty, which promotes and evidence that the psychotic has creative resources open up new possibilities in their treatment, ie, substitutions can be articulated, which could be modified, as in other structures, the positions subjective.

  • The paradigm of unleashing the "classic" as presented in the Seminar 3 and In a pre-military issue ... this, and, restated from the 1995 meetings onwards. filtering blurs the clinic, a clinic that is substitutions.

  • The consequences of this relativization, extension of the paradigm of an impact on clinical onset, especially in the field of analytic transference. But precipitates his fall, but extends it . Or you can consider that there is no paradigm.

  • to tell a trigger to define a psychoanalytic approach is taking shape where the idea of \u200b\u200bthe paradigm. We found no automatic response time to account for the trigger, but we found two places that make up certain temporality:

a) A failure in synchronous prepsicosis

b) a confrontation with the incompleteness of the Other.

The New Times confirmed, amended or not these new theoretical beats extracted from the clinical

Bibliography consulted

1. The foreclosure father's name. Jean M. Maleval. Paidos

2. The psychoanalytic cynical unclassifiable. Several authors . Paidos. ICBA

3. ordinary psychosis. Several authors . Paidos. ICBA

4. The logic of delirium. Jean M. Maleval. Rowan issues

5. Stabilizations in psychosis. Eric. Laurent. Spring

6. The analiticón. No. 4. Jacques Lacan

7. The seminar 3. psychoses. Jacques Lacan.

8. The seminar 20. Even . Jacques Lacan. Paidos

9. The seminar 19. Ou pire ... . Jacques Lacan.

11. The seminar 22. RSI. Jacques Lacan

12. The seminar 23. The sinthome. . Jacques Lacan

(*) psychoanalyst, teacher, Director of Publishing The other

jmendez @ COMNET .

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Masterbate With Homemade Items For Women

Participation in 'Gas 2006' Gas

These days you finish editing the box "GAS 2006", which involved John Gopar with artists Fernando Alamo, Angel Aldai Luis, Juan Luis Alzola, Alfonso Crujera, Gregorio Gonzalez, Christopher Guerra, José Luis Luzardo, Martin and Sicily, Francis Naranjo and Miguel Pons.
With an edition of 50 copies, the box "GAS 2006" contains photographs, etchings, and serigraphs, with some of the work handled by the artists. All copies are signed and numbered by the artists.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Congratulations On Martial Arts Business Quote

Subject denatured ...... Editions (Readings ..) Subject

Exposure 'subject denatured' in:

(See article)

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Where To Wax When Doing A Brazilian Wax

denatured ..... (Readings.) Subject

Exposure 'subject denatured' in:

(See information on the Internet)
(See page supplement)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My Cervix Is Very Tender

denatured .... (Exposure) Subject

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Best Bra For Small Brests

denatured ... (Reads) Subject denatured

Exposure 'subject denatured' in:

ARTEVEN.COM Contemporary Art. (See information). Malaga (See information).

The Review (See information).

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Car Accident Osteophytes

.. Subject

Bmx Custom Paint Design Game

denatured. Subject

Names For Houses In Sanskrit


Tomorrow, September 21, opens the exhibition 'subject denatured' in the Gallery Alfredo Viñas de Málaga.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Uraboku Doujin As One Mediafire

Works / Works

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hand Foot And Mouth Antihistamine

Works / Works

Monday, April 10, 2006

Recipe For T Marzetti's Cole Slaw Dressing

Works / Works